Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Freezer Meal

I need to get organized.  I feel out of control in my own (very small) home.  We all like to sit down and have a home cooked meal every night (yes every night).  This seems so overwhelming to me (which usually results in take out at least two days a week).  I feel like we have gotten in a cooking rut.  I always make the same things.  I need to get out of this rut!!!  There are so many awesome recipes out there...I just need to get organized. 

First step, I wanted to put a list together of meals I would cook ahead of time, IF I ever had the time to spend a weekend cooking.  I would like to have a stash in the freezer, ready to whip out on Saturday afternoon, or a long day at work, or a busy shopping day, etc.

Here's my list...(then I have to come up with a plan on how I am actually going to cook in advance).

Meat sauce (with peppers and onions)
baked pasta
cooked chicken - for quesidilias or casseroles
chicken divan
baked chicken spaghetti (PW)
chicken soup
chicken (or beef) vegetable soup
pork and onions for bifanas (marinate before hand or already cooked)
stewed beef tips (Ana's method)
Tuna casserole
stewed beans
stewed peas
cooked bacon (for sandwiches, omelets)
Muffins, quick breads

Need foil pans
Need freezer tape (with name, date and cooking instructions)
Now all I need is the time!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy 17th Month Birthday

Where has the time gone?  I swear October flew by...I blinked and it was over.  I wish life would slow down a bit...

Happy Birthday my cutie pie, mommy loves you more than you will ever know.