Friday, March 30, 2012

Week 25 - This is feeling very real to me NOW!!

How far along? 25 weeks

Total weight gain:  5 Pounds!  Yikes.  In one week!    
Size of baby:   Eggplant (According to the Bump)

Milestones (What BabyCenter says:):
Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

Maternity clothes?  I wore another maternity shirt this week and I feel a lot better in it!  My plus size sweaters are getting short.  However, I am still mostly wearing all my regular clothes that were looser to begin with (but by the end of the day the pants are tight and I have to unzip them).  I definitely need to get some new clothes.     

Food cravings or aversions: Still craving sweets and they have gotten a bit out of control (thus the five pound weight gain - maybe??).  I have to get myself under control.  No aversions...     
Sleep:  Same - continue to sleep in the upright position with lots of pillows.  I also snuggled with Alex and rest my belly on his back.  I'm hoping he can feel kicks soon.              

Symptoms:  This week I have been feeling really tired when I get home from work.  Like I could sleep as soon as I get in the door.  I have also felt some lower right side pain (on the lower part of my belly).  Nothing too crazy, but it does stop me in my tracks (thank god it doesn't last too long).  Constipation continues to be an issue, so Metamucil is going to be my new best friend this coming week)!   I also forced myself back on the treadmill (exhausted and all).  The first night I hated it, but the second I was feeling some positive energy after sweating a bit.  

Medications: I am currently taking 90 units of NPH at night time to help with the fasting numbers (with the goal of having less than 90 for fasting and less than 120 two hours after meals).  This week has been ok, with some over 100's for my fasting numbers!   I had to bump up my insulin.  Continue with BP medication twice a day (no change).  (I saw my primary care doctor and she is happy with the pregnancy progress.  She sees no reason at this point to change the BP medication.  She only wants to see me after the baby is born and after I stop nursing.  Great!!).   I went to the OB this week to hear the heartbeat and get a routine check and all sounds great!  I did have a headache with the doctor said I could take a Tylenol but I'm sure it was just a fluke, so I just let it go and by the afternoon I was better (I took a nap).  BP was great, protein, no swollen legs, but I forgot to bring my sugars (oops) and she didn't say anything about the weight but oh boy.  Hearing the heart beat was awesome. 

Gender:  That envelope with the sealed gender reveal is still sitting on our night stand in our bed room tempting me.  I was eyeing the other night, but I didn't open it.  Sometimes I think it will help me sort out things in the baby's room.  Then I think I need to sort out stuff regardless.  So we still are not finding out.  Again, I have no strong feelings if it is a boy or a girl (but I guess I have to say I'm leaning more toward a girl this week).  Healthy and strong and happy is all I want!! 

What I'm looking forward to the most:  Holding my baby and knowing all is ok with him/her.        

Worries: This week I have begun fretting again and turning my wheels with worry.  I swear I waste so much time worrying (not to mention energy).   This week I have worried that I am getting so huge, that I'm afraid of my last month.  I'm worried that I will not be able to do much and be super uncomfortable.  What if I can't hold Anderson?  OR come to work?  Or just doing the normal stuff (like giving Anderson a bath or picking him up from the crib).  What if I get bed-rest, or worse, I want bed-rest and the doctor's don't think I need it.  How am I going to work?  What about Anderson's birthday - can I handle a party at nearly 9 months pregnant? Stress.  No wonder I am exhausted.   
What is different this time around:  Worried about having to share myself with TWO babies instead of just one.   

Miss Anything?  Nothing.               

Movement:   Lots and lots.  Always on the lower right hand side (where I feel sharp pain sometimes).  I love feeling the kicks.  Sometimes I feel a stretching pain in my belly and I swear it is summersaults!  This baby can move!  I feel the baby after each meal (normally).  With Anderson I felt him more when I was in bed (and not as much as this time).  Miracle in the making.  I want a T-shirt that says that!          

Labor Signs: None.

Best moment of the week:  Hearing the heartbeat!!  Getting the sense that we are almost there, that this is real and a baby will be coming soon!  In about three months.  I want to shout it to the world! 

Big Brother moment of the week:  This week, Anderson cried when I was hugging my "niece" Briana for her 13th birthday for a little too long.  Big sobbing tears.  Oh my heart sank.  I felt for Breezy too, because she thought she did something wrong and she didn't.  My friends say I'm "in for it" when this baby comes and that I should just let him cry now.  Praying that it all goes smoothly, but I'm preparing for Anderson to have a bit of a hard time...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Week 24 - little late but here I am!!

How far along? 24 weeks

Total weight gain: No change. Next week we see the doctor again...  
Size of baby:   Grapefruit (According to the Bump)

Milestones (What BabyCenter says:):
Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts him at just over a pound. Since he's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), he cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but his body is filling out proportionally and he'll soon start to plump up. His brain is also growing quickly now, and his taste buds are continuing to develop. His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. His skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.

Maternity clothes?  I wore a maternity shirt this week!  Same shirt I wore plenty of times while pregnant with Anderson!  Still wearing all my regular clothes, they are getting snug and the shirts are getting short.   

Food cravings or aversions: The cravings have continued to be relatively calm, but I still crave sweets (especially at night).  Still no aversions that I can recall...     
Sleep:  Continue to sleep in the upright position (propped with pillows) and alternating with sleeping on my left side with the full body pillow.  Pretty much no change from last week.            

Symptoms:  Early this week was difficult with belly hardening and pain (especially on Monday - but walking helped).  I have also had bathroom (or lack thereof) issues.  I finally ate some prunes (one day), took some Metamucil (the next) and stopped my prenatal for one day (on the third day) and that seemed to work. I have to be more consistent with the fiber and walking! 

Medications: I am currently taking 82 units of NPH at night time to help with the fasting numbers.  The goal is still to have less than 90 for fasting and less than 120 two hours after meals.  This week has been very good and most of my fasting numbers have been around 90!   BP medication twice a day (no change). 

Gender:  Still not finding out.  But I am curious.  I have no strong feelings if it is a boy or a girl.  Just be strong and grow and be healthy!! 

What I'm looking forward to the most:  Knowing if it is a boy and girl and then going shopping!!  And a healthy baby, of course...      

Worries: This week has been a lot better with my insecurities.  I'm not sure why I am also doubting myself.  I know once this baby comes I will have to make some changes and work out a new system with two babies, but live will be normal again once we have a routine down.  Repeat, Repeat...  
What is different this time around:  Focus has been a lot more on incorporating new baby to life with a opposed to being incorporating a baby into a babyless home...both huge changes. 
Miss Anything?  Nothing.  Life is good.             

Movement:   Yes, lots! I love it.  I can't wait for Daddy to feel the baby (and maybe Anderson - he may freak).  My little miracle at work.          

Labor Signs: None. Other than Monday the hard belly has been ok.   

Best moment of the week:  Feeling better after my long walk on Monday...I was in some pain but it went away after a nice walk, thank goodness.  Also being outside during the lovely weather and seeing all the kids outside...I love it!  Soon there will be one more added to the mix!      I also sang to the baby in the car (with the music nice and loud) - that was fun! 

Big Brother moment of the week:  The weather was unseasonable warm this week.  All the neighbors were out and about on our block and it was fun seeing everyone.  My neighbor has a little boy who is 10 months old and I held him.  Once Anderson saw me, que the water works!  He SOBBED.  I tried to show him the baby (he loves babies and loves to say hi) but he was not having it.  Ugh.  He is going to have a hard time with his sibling.  Praying that it all goes smoothly...

Have a great week!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Week 23 -slow and steady - a good week!

How far along? 23 weeks

Total weight gain: No week we are going to the doctor so we should have an update.  In total it must be a pound or two.
Size of baby:   Pomegranate (According to the Bump)

Milestones (What the BabyCenter says:):
Turn on the radio and sway to the music. With her sense of movement well developed by now, your baby can feel you dance. And now that she's more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango), you may be able to see her squirm underneath your clothes. Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb.

Maternity clothes?  I am wearing some maternity pants (the black pants are super comfy) but the jeans are still big.  Still wearing all my regular clothes, they just fit differently and snugly. 

Food cravings or aversions: The cravings have been calm this week.  I did have a sweet here and there (but nothing more than one carbs worth).  I think its because some of the intense stress from recent weeks have calmed a bit (I'm a comfort eater).  I definitely feel hungrier at times and like to feed this baby!  No aversions that I can recall...     
Sleep:  Still sleeping in the upright position (propped with pillows) and this is still going well.  Sometimes I cuddle with Alex (I love leaning my belly on his back - soon he will feel the baby).  I also alternate between the upright position and sleeping on my left side with the full body pillow (which continues to be comfortable but I wake up more frequently).  Waking up during the night is NOT happening as much!  However I am having trouble falling asleep when I get to bed.  I'm exhausted, but wide awake (which leads me to think of all there is to do, then stress and continue not sleep - viscous cycle).          

Symptoms:  This week has been great and no complaints.  My belly has NOT hurt much or become hard by the end of the day (which is great).  I continue to be tired by the end of the day, but not as bad this week.  I did have a day or two of nausea, where I felt a little dizzy; like I wanted to vomit.  Not sure if that was due to rushing around or what I ate or the baby hormones...but it did not last long and the feeling has past.    

Medications: I am currently taking 80 units of NPH at night time to help with the fasting numbers.  The goal is still to have less than 90 for fasting and less than 120 two hours after meals.  This week has been very good and most of my fasting numbers have been under 90.   BP medication twice a day (no change). 

Gender:  We have the envelope on the night stand and we have not looked at it or discussed it!  I cannot believe it I swear it's because we have the option to find out now, so are not inclined to find out!   I have no strong feelings if it is a boy or a girl.   

What I'm looking forward to the most:  Feeling like my family is complete once this baby is born.  I can't wait to hold my baby and have my two boys with me (Daddy, and Anderson).       

Worries: This week has been calmer with the stress department.  My worries are still there and I think it is more my insecurities.  I'm so insecure and question whether I am doing enough for my family.  The responsibilities are overwhelming.  Will I be able to handle (and thrive) two kids?  Will I like it?  Will my kids turn out ok?  Am I doing enough, what can I cut out, what should I do differently, where can I save some time.   
What is different this time around:  Knowing that the kicks I feel in my belly are definitely the baby!  With Anderson I always doubted what I was feeling.  Now I know better.  We are also not worried about the babies room and all the baby stuff (swing, bouncy, car seats, etc).  I'm looking forward to buying some new bibs and a double stroller and not much else (unless it's a girl then we are going shopping). 

Miss Anything?  Nothing.  Should I mention drinking again?  Tonight is girls night and I'm sure I will miss having a cocktail with the ladies.  Also, I miss ice cream after dinner with Daddy.  I love being pregnant and I feel pretty good, so I'm not missing much.           

Movement:   Lots and lots of movement these last few days!  I love it!!!  It makes me happy because I know that all is going well in there!  This is as close to a miracle as it gets (for me).      

Labor Signs: None.  I read somewhere that the baby could possibly survive if born at 23 weeks!  Wow.  Stay put little person, keep growing inside where it is nice and cozy! 

Best moment of the week:  I loved that my fasting numbers were under 90!  Yeah!  Also all the baby movement!     

Big Brother moment of the week:  Anderson has begun to like to read his new "big brother" book!  I'm so happy he likes it.  The book mentions giving the baby a diaper change and Anderson pointed to his diapers!

Heres to another great week. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Week 22 - Ultra Sound and hearing the heart beat!

How far along? 22 weeks

Total weight gain: no weight gain (loss one pound from last weigh in, which brings me back to my starting weight, which my doctors were very happy about.    
Size of baby:   Papaya (According to the Bump)


Milestones (What the BabyCenter says:):
At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment.  If you could see inside your womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers his body and the deep wrinkles on his skin, which he'll sport until he adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside his belly, his pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily.

Maternity clothes?  Same as last week.  I want to wear the jeans, because they are comfy, but they are still a bit big.  I feel like I am showing now.  Still wearing all my regular clothes, they just fit differently. 

Food cravings or aversions: Cravings have calmed a bit this week, maybe because I actually caved and got some sweets.  I enjoyed some chocolate pudding (and my sugar readings were higher than normal all day) and I caved and got skittles from the vending machine (didn't effect my sugars too much).  They were yummy (I feel like an addict).  I am trying to limit sweets and processed foods, and stick to almonds, yogurt, fruit and cheese and crackers.  Some days are betting the others.  I do better when I have a stash of “good” snacks at my desk at work.  No aversions that I can recall...     
Sleep:  Still sleeping in the upright position (propped with pillows) and this is going well.  Sometimes I alternate between the upright position and the full body pillow (which is comfortable as well).  Bathroom visits at night have been a lot better (just once or twice).         

Symptoms:  Overall no complaints.  My belly hurts by the end of the day but not as bad as it has been.  By the end of the day I am exhausted and just have to stop and rest for 15 minutes...usually I feel better and get on with my night (making dinner, cleaning up, bedtime routine for Anderson, making lunches, etc).  

My sugar numbers have been creeping higher and I thought the doctor would be unhappy, but he actually said that he was very impressed with my numbers.  He said that I am doing a very good job managing my sugars with my diet.  I was floored.  With that said he did say I should increase my insulin to 78 (up from 69).           

Medications: I am currently taking 78 units of NPH at night time to help with the fasting numbers.  The goal is still to have less than 90 for fasting.   BP medication twice a day (no change). 

Gender:  We had part two of the ultrasound this week.  It was so awesome to see the baby moving around.  I could see the baby’s feet hitting the wall and I could see the heart and brain and arms and legs…AMAZING.  Truly is a miracle.  Anderson did much better this week (the whole experience was much faster and seamless this time).  I did bring an envelope and asked the tech to indicate the gender on the paper and seal the envelope.  While the tech looked in the area I didn't see a penis, so I am thinking a girl.  My mom said the same thing (she went out and got a pink outfit)!  We still have not opened the envelope.  (Either way I don't care as long as the baby is healthy). 

What I'm looking forward to the most:  Meeting this baby and singing to her, kissing her, loving on her...  I know those baby moments don’t last long so I will savor every minute.         

Worries: This week has been a stressful week (family wise) and I felt the pressures of being a busy working mom.  I know I shouldn’t complain because my mom helps me so much but life is overwhelming at times and I need things to calm down a bit.  I wish I could tune everything out and just cocoon myself into a nest and take care of my family.  Hopefully next week will be calmer. 

I had a lot of doctor appointments this week (the OB, endocrinologist, and ultra sound) and I see my appointments getting busier and busier as the pregnancy progresses. What is going to give? 
What is different this time around:  Not having the time to eat, breath, and sleep all things baby.  Not being super anxious about everything (that is a bit comforting).  Everything was new and research was necessary last time, but this time not so much research is going on.  The biggest difference has been worrying about the effects on Anderson and the dynamics to our young family.               

Miss Anything?  Nothing.  I like being pregnant and knowing that I have a baby growing inside of me.  I have been feeling great and happy and content.  Tonight I am having dinner with the girls and they asked me to bring the wine (not nice sending me into a package store).  This week was a pretty hectic/stressful week, it would be nice to have a glass of wine with the girls.         

Movement:   Definitely feeling movement now!  I love the feeling.  I'm so glad to feel it as it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.  This feels like a miracle.      

Labor Signs: None.  My “hard belly” moments have changed more to pain and soreness in the abs section.       

Looking forward to:  Singing to my baby and snuggling...and taking lots of photos.  Loving and doting on my baby.  I want to squish her cheeks (and if it a girl buy lots of tu tus and ruffles).    

Best moment of the week:  I actually looked in the mirror and felt I looked pregnant (to others may not be so apparent).  It's so awesome to feel movement.  This feels so real!!   

Big Brother moment of the week:  Anderson is constantly touching my belly and even gives my belly kisses.  This kid is so cute.  Anderson doesn't even want the dog near his toys, he is so in for it when this baby comes.   

Monday, March 5, 2012

21 Months - March 2012

21 Months old!!  3 More months before the big 0-2!  Tick Tock time is flying by...

I love my big boy so much. 

You are my sunshine!! 


Friday, March 2, 2012

21 Weeks - Feeling Some Movement!

How far along? 21 weeks

Total weight gain: 1 pound (no officially update)  

Size of baby:   Carrot according to the BabyCenter

Milestones (What the BabyCenter says:):

Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. In other developments, your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now, and if you're having a girl, her vagina has begun to form as well.

Maternity clothes?  I tried my maternity jeans and they are still too big.  My pants are definitely getting tight (and they are stretchy). 

Food cravings or aversions: Still craving sweets - it must be because I can't have them with the diabetes.  I try to limit sweets to small snack size but the spiral effect does me in.     
Sleep:  Still sleeping in the upright position (propped with pillows) but it isn't as comfortable.  I hope I can figure out a better position.  I have been waking up less during the night for bathroom visits (yeah).  It was on the hour, now just once or twice.         

Symptoms:  I feel good, and not tired (until the end of the day).  My belly hurts by the end of the day and sometimes it stops me in my tracks (ouch).  I'm concerned but I mentioned it to the doctor during my list visit and they say it is normal.  My sugar numbers have been high almost every day this week (fasting #;s),  I have to get back on the treadmill but I only did it once this week.  I did find myself running around at the office this week and that helped with belly pain.  It has been a stressful week at work (busy IRS audit) and my brother had surgery this week (which caused some stress at home).  I believe that is affecting my sugar numbers.      

Medications: I am currently taking 66 units of NPH at night time to help with the fasting numbers (I have been increasing daily!).   Sugar readings have been high in the morning.  I'm sure the diabetes doctor will be concerned during our visit on Tuesday (3/6/12) as I am concerned as well (so glad we have a lot of visits, I am feeling very lucky to have my health insurance).  I'm sure he will be adding to the nightly insulin shots.    BP medication twice a day (no change). 

Gender:  I mentioned to Alex yesterday that we should find out and he agreed.  Looks like we will find out (I will decide on game day).  Some people are so sure and this is a no brainer.  For me, the surprise on the day was awesome.  Plus we have forever to shop for a boy/girl - why push it.  I am still undecided, but I regretted not doing it last week.  Plus all this back and forth (in my mind) for a name is driving me nuts.  Plus I want to know if the boys will share a room or if we will be under construction to finish a girl's room (even if it is some time in the future).  We'll see if I change my mind before Tuesday. 

What I'm looking forward to the most:  Still meeting this baby and being use to our routine as a family of four.  I am feeling super blessed.       

Worries: The diabetes is always on my mind.  How I will be feeling come June ... the end is going to be rough (I suspect), even though I am feeling great now.  Dividing my time between my babies, Anderson's adjustment, being the best mom I can be, raising functional adults, fitting in working full time, being the wife Alex deserves (and needs), how am I going to handle daycare drops if both cry (ugh), managing a home, being over burdened with family responsibilities/drama (I'm not talking about my kids) many worries. Breathe, one day at a time...        

What is different this time around:  Last time I was so scared to take insulin.  I am still nervous about it, but the "been there done that" factor is at least taking some stress off.  But I still worry about the well being of my baby and the effects of my diabetes on the baby (not to mention my blood pressure issues).  We were preparing to register at Baby's R Us.  I remember how every decision was such a tough decision to make because everything was so new.  I had no clue.  I'm no expert but it is not so scary now.             

Miss Anything?  The occasional drink with the girls and glass of wine with Alex.  I also miss snacking at night before bedtime.  Since night time snacks effect morning sugar numbers I avoid snacking.  I realize how much I snack after dinner (which is not good I suppose).  Especially the ice cream we indulge in after Anderson has gone to bed.       

Movement:   This week I felt puttering going on in the belly (I think)!!  I felt the movement a lot on Tuesday (high stress day) and off/on during the rest of the week.  Not sure what it is I am feeling, but it reminded me of what I felt with Anderson.   

Labor Signs: Nothing.  My “hard belly” moments have changed more to pain and soreness in the abs section.       

Looking forward to:  Same as last week - Part II of the anatomy scan and having everything turn out ok (and finding out the gender of the baby!).  Also looking forward to seeing all the baby newborn clothes and remembering Anderson that little (which those memories are so long ago).   

Best moment of the week:  Feeling the baby move this week!  This baby is growing and time is going by so fast!   

Big Brother moment of the week:  We have shown Anderson my belly and told him that there is a baby inside.  He has no clue, but it is our cute way to introduce baby.  However, Anderson routinely points to his own belly and says "baby there".  He also points to Daddy's belly and says "baby there" as well.   Too stinking cute.