Wednesday, August 3, 2011

An Update - Tooth #12 and #13 and counting...

August already, can you believe it?  I can not!  The summer is flying by. 

Today is the most beautiful summer day.  Perfect in my mind.  I want to run outside and not come to work...but no such luck.  I want to go swing with Anderson at the park.  (We still have to go get him a swing!!)  I would love to hang by the lake or sit at the beach and enjoy being outside.  But nope.  Summer is almost over (at least everyone makes you feel like it is) and I feel like I have so much more summer living to do before we start wearing sweaters and jackets. 

Anderson has been growing by leaps and bounds.  It is mind blowing really.  We sit and watch him in awe.  He's smart and is listening to commands now (go get your turtle...and he GOES and gets it!).  Unbelievable!

Anderson is officially walking more (or just about the same as crawling).  AND he is getting better every day at walking!! 

He's eating better too.  He actually self fed almost all of his food yesterday (meat, rice, peas and strawberries).  He FINALLY ate a piece of fruit (strawberries) yesterday.  Just shy of his 14 month birthday.  One small step for man one giant leap for A's development. 

Life is speeding by in warp speed.  I can't keep up with life...or if I try to keep up (and do it all) I feel a whirlwind is spinning around me (and I get totally exhausted).  I want to capture my baby this way, at this moment and keep these memories fresh in my mind forever.  I know that is not possible.  That is why I try to photograph and film him as much as possible.  But it never seems like enough.   I have no doubt when I am old and grey I will be looking back remembering the good ole days (and that day is today!).  I will be trying to remember the times when the baby was a baby!! 

I wish A could stay this way forever (cute, cuddly and still somewhat listening to me).  A's personality radiates enthusiasm...I love it.  He's a happy boy...for the most part (we all have our moments). 

How is it possible that one little guy stops three adults (me, dad and vovo) in the house in our tracks and makes us ooze with happiness, pride and joy?  How is that possible Mr. little guy?  Mr. A has that power and I hope he uses it wisely.   

His teeth are coming in and I have officially lost count of them all.  The teeth are everywhere and he is drooling like crazy.  I see the whites around the gummy flesh and that must be hurting him.  He's been putting some stuff in his mouth as well (but not too bad).  He barely complains but I imagine all those molars cutting in at the same time must be painful.  Yes, if he cries in the middle of the night I hold him.  I go to him and hold him and we snuggle.  Yes, I do.  I don't mind - for the most part.  Of course waking up EVERY night does have its limits on the body and mind though.  Becoming exhausted and tired and grumpy and weepy is no fun, but lately it hasn't been that way.  When A wakes up during the night we cuddle for a little while and he usually goes right out.  There are some exceptions.  Like for example, the other night A was seriously crying and that broke my heart, but after a few hours I was beside myself and crying too.  I gave him some hylands ointment on his teeth, some gripe water for his toots, then a little Tylenol and finally HOURS later I figured maybe he was hungry and gave him a bottle.  He went right out!   But I was a mess.  Last week was a bit rough in the sleep department, but I hope that is over.  This week is better, he's been sleeping so much better...but he did wake up for a little while (20 minutes) last night. 

Last night I was wired and up for a while (which doesn't happen too often, thank goodness).  I sat there in the dark and wonder if I am up for the responsibility of raising a baby?  Am I doing enough?  Will he have friends?  What else should I be doing?  Will he be shy, anti-social, or friendly?  Will he like school and play sports or an instrument.  I wonder if I have a second child, will I have double the worry or do you ever doubt yourself less (because of experience)?  Am I up for this?  Can I do it?  I swear insecurity is the enemy of parenting.  Insecurity is the enemy of many things. I wish I weren't so insecure.

I try not to let myself get in my own way...but sometimes I trip myself up.  Bummer.  Many times I try to ignore myself.  Hee Hee :)  Does that make sense?

I love Anderson so much, its all consuming.  What did I concern myself with before? 

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