Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Joy

Christmas was so much fun with Anderson this year.  Joy just fills my heart...

Anderson enjoyed opening all his presents and spending time with family and friends.  One of my favorite traditions is the Tia's Christmas...that is Christmas brunch at my friends house.  This started years before Anderson, but the tradition continues.  My dear friends are like family and we encourage Anderson to call them Tia (which is aunt in Portuguese).  My friends are all so generous with A.  We all have a wonderful breakfast together and then open presents.  It's fun, relaxed and encompasses what I love about Christmas (which is spending time together appreciating each other's company).  Fun Times, Fun Memories...I love it. 

Anderson got a bit overwhelmed with presents!!  He got possessive with some of his Thomas trains!!  To the point were we could not touch them!  (I tried to nip that in the bud...ugh).  Anderson also got completely off schedule and was a little out of sorts due to late (or missed naps), but overall he was in a great mood and very happy. 

We also met new members to group...which is my cousin's new boyfriend.  They seem serious, so it was nice to meet him!!  Welcome to the family!! 

There were some stresses over course.  Getting everything wrapped and ready in a very short time was stressful for me.  I say this every year but I definately have to shop and wrap much earlier.  I would love to have everything by December 1 next year.  That means shopping has to start in early November, maybe even in October!  We also should curtail the adults and focus on just the kiddos.  For the most part we did that with my friends this year and most family...so next year gifts for Alex and family will be limited.  It just gets out of hand and we run out of time to do everything.  Especially bake.  I would love to bake cookies with Anderson...for Santa.  

Another stress was my brother.  He is ill.  Very much ill.  And I worry about him phsically and mentally.  Christmas has always been hard for him.  He seems to get into a funk every year.  On Christmas Eve he finally had enough pain and asked for us to take him to the hospital.  Anderson was napping so Alex and my mom took him.  It caused us to miss church and caused me a lot of stress, fear and sadness.  I feel like my stomach sank and I just had a pit in my stomach the whole weekend. 

The next morning (Christmas morning) he released himself from the hospital (against doctor's orders) and went home.  Not sure why he would do that.  As we opened presents on Christmas Day the doctor at the hospital was calling our home looking for him as it was urgent he return to the hospital because he has a blood infection.  Everyone got all worried and ralled up and in a panic brough him back to the hospital.  He ended going back to the hospital...talk about stress. 

Despite all that drama we had a nice lunch with friends on Monday (the 26th).  Friends came by for another enjoyable meal (that distracted my mom). 

Our neighbors stop by with an awesome gift for Anderson, they are so generous and they are in love with my Alex. 

Alex's mom and sister made amends in Portugal.  They may never be best friends, but looks like they are speaking.  She got her Christmas miracle.  My mom is so hoping for hers for my brother.

Overall it was an enjoyable weekend with lots of activity, some worry and lots of presents and family/friend time!  Oh and lots of pictures (but not nearly as much as I had hoped).  

I will have to have another post listing out the changes for next year.   Plus  I would like to list our traditions!!   

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