How far along? 29 weeks
Total weight gain: no change (up four)
Size of baby: Acorn Squash (According to the Bump)
Milestones (What Baby Center Says:):
Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. To meet his increasing nutritional demands, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because his bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day.

Butternut Squash looks so much bigger to me than an Acorn Squash!!
I like what the Bump says this week as well - your baby at 29 weeks!
- He's getting a little cramped in there, since he's growing so fast. But you probably already realize that, since you're getting all those jabs and kicks.
- He's growing white fat deposits under his skin, and his energy is surging because of it.
- Feel a subtle twitch? It might be baby hiccupping.
Food cravings or aversions: Sweet cravings are still present and making themselves known. Ugh I have to stop. No aversions...
Sleep: Sleep has been good this week. I'm exhausted and I feel the most comfortable sleeping with all my pillows. I have a pillow on each side of me now (and I still sleep in a more upright position). Poor Alex, he grabs my hand once in a while, I think he misses me and has a hard time finding me with all the pillows everywhere (hee hee).
Symptoms: This week had some stress. On Monday afternoon (4/23/12) I was going to leave work a little early because my mom wasn't feeling well and I wanted to get home to take care of Anderson so she could rest up. I went to the bathroom, like I always do before I leave work because it takes me over an hour to get home, and I noticed bright blood on my pantiliner. OMG, my heart sank. I thought this must be normal. So I went back to my desk and Googled 'bleeding in pregnancy third trimester'. The first thing I read (BabyCenter) said that bleeding in the third trimester is not normal call your practioner as soon as possible. So that is what I did. The receptionist said she would let the nurse know and call me back. I waited. Two minutes later the nurse called and she asked me a bunch of questions. She said the office was going to close soon so she thinks I should go to the birthplace to get checked out, but she was going to call the doctor and confirm and get back to me. I decided to leave the office anyway, so I went to the bathroom again and didn't see any new blood and just then the baby kicked so I felt much better (although it was a softer than normal kick). By the time I got back to my desk I already had a message from the nurse telling me to head to the birthplace and they would be expecting me. Off I go with a lump in my throat and a fast pace in my step - my adrenaline was pumping. Thank god I wasn't feeling the same pain in pelvis that I did last week or I would have taken much longer to get to the hospital.
I decide NOT to call my mom since she said she wasn't feeling well. I thought she may panic and throw up (since she felt sick to her stomach). I decided not to call or tell anyone because I would sob all the way to the hospital. So I held myself together and only got a little teary on the train and in the car. I canceled walking via text (we always do a group walk and have dinner on Monday nights with the girls). I tried to remain calm - 28 weeks and a few days is enough to live, this baby is ok. We are ok. Well I decided to call Alex to see if he could get home and take care of Anderson since I didn't know how long the hospital would take. What if I had to be admitted? He was in Melrose tearing apart a bathroom and he still had 3 hours left of work and they were in the midst of dismantling this antique bathroom with tons of cement. He couldn't leave. I cried. I told him I was ok, and felt no pain, but I was scared. He assured me that I shouldn't worry to wait and see what the doctor says before I panic. He said to let him know as soon as I knew something. I immediately regretted calling him, because now he has to work with a heavy heart not know what is going on. I needed to get myself together so my blood pressure wouldn't rise. I put on some classical music and tried to remain calm. It was a long drive but I made it. I grabbed the first spot I found (which come to find out is a reserved spot for doctors, oops).
At the window the receptionist is on the phone and a nurse is waiting behind her. I gave her my name and the nurse says come on in I have been waiting for you. She seemed so nice and eager to see what is going on. I was surprised I wasn't asked any financial questions (name of insurance provider, employer, etc). She wanted to get a urine sample. I was trembling but relatively calm (I guess I was calm, I wasn't crying or anything). She had me hop on the bed, she asked me questions (has this happened before, any contractions, is the pain from last week better, do I have a fever, anyone at home sick, etc).
Finally the monitor is hooked up and heartbeat found!! YEAH. I am happy. My blood pressure was perfect (wow, shocking). My sugars (that I tested myself) are fine. The doctor performs an internal exam and then checks my cervix. Nothing is unusual and the cervix wall is hard. The monitor is hooked up for about an hour or so and there are no contractions and the baby is moving a lot and not stressed. THANK YOU GOD! I followed up with the OB on Tuesday (4/24/12) and all seems ok and no more bleeding.
I get home at 7 and my mom looks so pale/sick. I told her that everything is fine, and told her all about the hospital visit and the bleeding. She was relieved all was good and she said she was surprised that I didn't come home sooner!! Come to find out she had a stomach bug (and Anderson too).
My pain from last week seems a lot better. I still get some pain but not as bad. I still haven't figured out how to use the support belt, but I have to. The OB (Dr. Kalinda Dennis) said the pain is going to get worse before it gets better, especially as the baby gets bigger.
Symptoms: This week had some stress. On Monday afternoon (4/23/12) I was going to leave work a little early because my mom wasn't feeling well and I wanted to get home to take care of Anderson so she could rest up. I went to the bathroom, like I always do before I leave work because it takes me over an hour to get home, and I noticed bright blood on my pantiliner. OMG, my heart sank. I thought this must be normal. So I went back to my desk and Googled 'bleeding in pregnancy third trimester'. The first thing I read (BabyCenter) said that bleeding in the third trimester is not normal call your practioner as soon as possible. So that is what I did. The receptionist said she would let the nurse know and call me back. I waited. Two minutes later the nurse called and she asked me a bunch of questions. She said the office was going to close soon so she thinks I should go to the birthplace to get checked out, but she was going to call the doctor and confirm and get back to me. I decided to leave the office anyway, so I went to the bathroom again and didn't see any new blood and just then the baby kicked so I felt much better (although it was a softer than normal kick). By the time I got back to my desk I already had a message from the nurse telling me to head to the birthplace and they would be expecting me. Off I go with a lump in my throat and a fast pace in my step - my adrenaline was pumping. Thank god I wasn't feeling the same pain in pelvis that I did last week or I would have taken much longer to get to the hospital.
I decide NOT to call my mom since she said she wasn't feeling well. I thought she may panic and throw up (since she felt sick to her stomach). I decided not to call or tell anyone because I would sob all the way to the hospital. So I held myself together and only got a little teary on the train and in the car. I canceled walking via text (we always do a group walk and have dinner on Monday nights with the girls). I tried to remain calm - 28 weeks and a few days is enough to live, this baby is ok. We are ok. Well I decided to call Alex to see if he could get home and take care of Anderson since I didn't know how long the hospital would take. What if I had to be admitted? He was in Melrose tearing apart a bathroom and he still had 3 hours left of work and they were in the midst of dismantling this antique bathroom with tons of cement. He couldn't leave. I cried. I told him I was ok, and felt no pain, but I was scared. He assured me that I shouldn't worry to wait and see what the doctor says before I panic. He said to let him know as soon as I knew something. I immediately regretted calling him, because now he has to work with a heavy heart not know what is going on. I needed to get myself together so my blood pressure wouldn't rise. I put on some classical music and tried to remain calm. It was a long drive but I made it. I grabbed the first spot I found (which come to find out is a reserved spot for doctors, oops).
At the window the receptionist is on the phone and a nurse is waiting behind her. I gave her my name and the nurse says come on in I have been waiting for you. She seemed so nice and eager to see what is going on. I was surprised I wasn't asked any financial questions (name of insurance provider, employer, etc). She wanted to get a urine sample. I was trembling but relatively calm (I guess I was calm, I wasn't crying or anything). She had me hop on the bed, she asked me questions (has this happened before, any contractions, is the pain from last week better, do I have a fever, anyone at home sick, etc).
Finally the monitor is hooked up and heartbeat found!! YEAH. I am happy. My blood pressure was perfect (wow, shocking). My sugars (that I tested myself) are fine. The doctor performs an internal exam and then checks my cervix. Nothing is unusual and the cervix wall is hard. The monitor is hooked up for about an hour or so and there are no contractions and the baby is moving a lot and not stressed. THANK YOU GOD! I followed up with the OB on Tuesday (4/24/12) and all seems ok and no more bleeding.
I get home at 7 and my mom looks so pale/sick. I told her that everything is fine, and told her all about the hospital visit and the bleeding. She was relieved all was good and she said she was surprised that I didn't come home sooner!! Come to find out she had a stomach bug (and Anderson too).
My pain from last week seems a lot better. I still get some pain but not as bad. I still haven't figured out how to use the support belt, but I have to. The OB (Dr. Kalinda Dennis) said the pain is going to get worse before it gets better, especially as the baby gets bigger.
Medications: I am currently taking 120 units of NPH at night time to help with the fasting numbers (with the goal of having less than 90 for fasting and less than 120 two hours after meals). The numbers continue to be on the higher side, especially at night (after supper). I have increased the NPH units in the morning (before breakfast) to 32 (beginning on Thursday 4/26/12 - after my call with Dr. Parseghian on Wednesday afternoon).
I continue with BP medication twice a day (no change).
I thought I may get the stomach bug (Wednesday night 4/25) because I had some stomach issues (and Anderson and my mom both had the stomach bug) but that seems to have passed (so I skipped the Colace for most of this week)
I have been taking my pre-natal and continue to take folic acid every day and on most days I take a DHA vitamin with dinner (but I tend to forget).
My breathing is good and I have used the inhalers on a limited basis.
Gender: Not know. This week I really wanted to know. Not sure why but I guess with all the drama and pain and doctor visits I want to know what's in there causing this much action in my belly!! Alex and I were going to open the envelope on Tuesday morning, but Anderson woke up sick and we never got around to it. I'm leaning toward girl this week. The nurse at the hospital said she thought it was a boy....hmmm.
What I'm looking forward to the most: Holding my baby and knowing all is ok with him/her.
Worries: I worry about my body giving out too soon and being in a lot of pain during the last TEN weeks.
What is different this time around: Not preparing the nursery and buying a bunch of things. I did prepare a list of things we need for Baby B#2. The list is long so we better get cracking. Also, I determined my maternity. I am going to be home for three months (not four like last time), bummer.
Miss Anything? Not really (big drink maybe to help with the stress).
Movement: Lots and lots and I am very happy about that. I don't feel the belly move as much, so the kicks are getting softer. Poor baby, must be getting tight in there.
Labor Signs: None.
Best moment of the week: At the hospital when the doctor said all was fine after our scary bleeding incident.
Big Brother moment of the week: Anderson enjoys pointing to my belly and saying baby. He also points to his belly and says baby. When we snuggle on the couch or glider Anderson lays on my right side and leaves plenty of room for my belly and baby. Surprisingly he's relatively gentle. I have started to tell Anderson that baby will be coming out soon to join us (he has no clue).
Here's hoping for a quiet week….