How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain: no update, feels like a hundred
Size of baby: Rutabega (According to the Bump)
Milestones (What Baby Center Says:):
By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.
Maternity clothes? Pretty much the same as last week; I wear both maternity and non-maternity. I have some non-maternity shirts that are ok still.
Food cravings or aversions: Relatively calm week. I still crave sweets. No aversions...
Sleep: In bed I have a hard time falling asleep, but once I'm down, out. Last night I didn't even woke to go pee. I fall asleep pretty easily on the couch (seems like every time, even if I like what's on)! I continue to sleep in the upright position with lots of pillows and I am awake for some time before dozing off. My cough is much better and all but gone (thank goodness). And my breathing seems a lot better as well.
Symptoms: This week was a hard week for me. On Monday morning (4/16/12) I woke up with the largest charlie horse!! It was reminiscent of my painful leg cramps with Anderson. I sobbed. It lasted 5 minutes or so, but for the rest of the day I was pretty pain free…until Tuesday afternoon (4/17/12). After lunch I started to feel lots of pain and pressure on my lower stomach (lower ab area). What is this pain? I figured it would go away (like the hard belly, braxton hick type contractions I feel occasionally). But no, as the night approached I felt even more pain. Like keel over in pain kind of pain. It stopped me in my tracks. I took a warm/hot shower and it helped, yeah! But on Wednesday on my way to the subway I started to feel this achy sharp pain in my lower ab and had to literally stroll (very slowly to the office). I sit in an office all day but I still felt some pressure, especially after lunch. I started to feel lots of pain and as the afternoon progressed I wondered how I would get home. I started to panic ... is this what life is going to be like for the next 12 weeks? Is everything ok with the baby, am I going into labor? So of course, I Googled my symptoms and I found that this pain is normal. I had a little pity party and cried at my desk. I couldn't stop crying. Eventually, I slowly walked to the train and back to my car with some/lots of pain and as soon as I got home I took a shower (which made me feel much better). By bedtime I was having serious pain again and decided to take a second shower (which helped). On Thursday (4/19/12) I woke up with the same constant pain in my lower pelvis area and decided to call the OB. I thought they would want to see me, but the nurse asked a few questions (to make sure it wasn't labor or some type of virus) and told me that what I was feeling was normal. The ligaments in my abdomen are stretching due to the weight of the baby. This is painful and par for the course, especially with second babies. Apparently the muscles have been stretched with the 1st baby and now have no ability (or little ability) to hold the baby. She suggested I take Tylenol (as needed, every 6 hours and it is fine to take while pregnant), hot compress (no worries for the baby, unless I over heat myself), hot showers, and a support belt. The nurse went on and on about the support belt. I am hesitant because I think I will feel uncomfortable and not want to wear it. However, since I was in pain, I called the woman and set up a fittling. ON Friday (4/20) I left wearing the support belt and still feeling some pain (it was a little better) but I felt the belt was too tight and I as I commuted to work I couldn't feel the baby. So after stressing about my baby I took the belt off at work and within a few minutes I felt some quicks. Now I have to figure out how to use this belt and see if I can get use to this...
Medications: I am currently taking 110 units of NPH at night time to help with the fasting numbers (with the goal of having less than 90 for fasting and less than 120 two hours after meals). The numbers continue to be on the higher side. On Saturday (4/14) I started taking 10 units of NPH in the morning (before breakfast). I have increased this amount to 15 units. I continue with BP medication twice a day (no change). Lately, I have started taking Colace daily and sometimes skip my prenatal (because of constipation). I continue to take folic acid every day and on most days I take a DHA vitamin with dinner (when I don't forget). My breathing seems a lot better so I do not need my inhaler as much.
Gender: Still no idea. I want to guess boy because I keep referring to the baby as a he. I was tempted to look at the envelope but I did NOT. My mom is tempted to go up and look at it, but I don't think she has yet.
What I'm looking forward to the most: Holding my baby. Also, having my body back.
Worries: I worry about my body giving out too soon and being in a lot of pain during the last couple of months. Eleven weeks to go...we can handle this. Right? Bring it on.
What is different this time around: If I recall correctly I was feeling fine at 28 weeks. I started to feel this overwhelming fear of my body losing it around 34 weeks (with leg cramps and pain). I am 6 weeks early this time. Yikes.
Miss Anything? I miss NOT having pain in my belly (and maybe a drink to help with the stress)!
Movement: Lots and lots and I am very happy about that. As I type this (Friday 4/20/12 afternoon) I am feeling hiccups for the first time (at least it feels like constant little jabs). I hope to get Anderson to feel the belly move.
Labor Signs: None. Keep on cooking little one. I can take the pain. Bring it on!
Best moment of the week: We have started to reconstruct a portion of our back yard into a play area for our kid(s). We are designing it with the intention that two kids will play there!! I know it will be Anderson this year, but I have visions of sitting out there with both my kiddos. I love the thought of both of them playing together (and driving each other crazy).
Big Brother moment of the week: Anderson has enjoyed playing outside this week; he has enjoyed looking at the blooming trees & flowers, seeing lots of birds, watching planes overhead and helping Daddy shovel dirt in the backyard. I mentioned to Anderson that he will be teaching his new baby brother or sister so much new stuff this summer (in a very eager tone)!! He seemed so excited (but he doesn't seem to understand what I am saying, just my tone of excitement). Anderson is going to be a great teacher and this baby is so lucky to have him. He makes us laugh all the time; his sibling is going to love him. (I pray pray pray).
Until next week….
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