How far along? 38 weeks (6/28/12)
Total weight gain: Up 9 pounds total – Better than last week.
Size of baby: Pumpkin (According to the Bump)
Milestones (What Baby Center Says:):
Milestones (What Baby Center Says:):
Your baby has really plumped up. She weighs about 6.8 pounds and she's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek). She has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold her hand for the first time! Her organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.
Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If she's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If she's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time she's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after she's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)
Food cravings or aversions: No cravings. Just hungry a lot.
Sleep: Sleep has been Ok this week. My left leg is getting numb and it's getting harder to get out of bed. I feel a pain (occasionally) on my butt. All nice stuff (and minor so I will take it). I still need my pillows. Alex calls it our wall. Lately the routine is for me to nap while putting Anderson to bed. Then I am wide awake for hours at night. I try to get stuff done (especially for work) thank you notes and lists and stuff. I hate having to get up to go to the bathroom (which is only once a night).
Symptoms: I am so bummed that the computer lost my draft of this week. I am retyping this a week later, full of emotion of my last week. Let me think back to last week...
This week I really wanted to finalize work. My brain can't handle anymore and I have the same items to get done. I went to work on Monday and Wednesday and was there all day and late to get the pension audit financials reviewed and ready for my boss to take over. That is all I worked on and finally I handed it off to Jim after an hour (plus) meeting. I have a sneaky suspicion the audit will be waiting for me when I return. I also worked with my assistant making sure she was ready. She is! I suspect my last day in the office was on 6/27/12. I finished my self evaluation for my boss (big burden off my shoulders) and I started and almost finished my assistants review (from home). Just some last minute things left to do and I am done.
My feet are still swollen and I took a picture! I will never ever comment on other pregnant ladies. Never.
On Friday (6/22/2012) I skipped the Non Stress Test because I was at Mass General getting a size ultrasound. I finally got to see Dr. Barth. For the last 6 months it has been a different doctor but I always wanted to see him and our schedules never worked. It's funny because I missed my regular doctor (funny how that is, I got use to seeing her every month). Dr. Barth is amazing with the ultrasound. The tech had a hard time sizing the baby. She was way off! She had the baby at 9 pounds! But Dr. Barth redid the entire ultrasound. He got the same measurement we have been getting - 59% (about 6.5 pounds). He is so gentle with the Doppler, it is cool. The baby was transverse. He did say I would definitely have to have an ultrasound with the current position. So glad I never had my heart set on it. This is kind of weird, but he looked so crunchy granola...his hair was a mess and his beard was long. I think he is a wonderful doctor but was a bit taken back by his unkempt nature, oh well. I would love to work with him again (but don't see it ever happening).
As I was getting to my car I get a call from the OB confirming my C-section for the 6th. I was like, NO, I thought we were set for the 5th. NOPE, she says. Just like that. I got so mad, upset and annoyed. Not only that the doctor is someone I don't know (and only met for two seconds at the hospital during the NST). She said for me to set up a visit with her and to meet her. UGH. I was so upset. I immediately called my mom and cried. I just want everything to go well. And I hate last minute changes.
On Tuesday (6/26) I had my last ultra sound at the OB office (with the same tech, who is nice). The baby did not want to cooperate! She said that the baby wanted to be part of the 29 minute club. Basically the baby must perform certain functions within half hour. This baby was sound asleep. She had me in weird (and painful) positions. Finally in the last 5 minutes the baby performed (after some probing).
On Thursday (6/28) I met with Dr. Savage. She will be doing the C-section. She seemed nice enough and was willing to answer any questions and was very helpful and not alarming (not too much anyway). I have slowly come to accept that my idea of what was going to happen is not meant to be. My blood pressure and urine sample was fine. She was happy with my sugar numbers (yeah). The good sugar numbers have me a bit you think I will be all clear once the baby comes?? We will see.
Medications: Again, my sugar levels have been good so no change to my insulin amounts this week! GOD is watching over my munchkin and I! I still take 130 units of NPH at night time to help with the fasting numbers (with the goal of having less than 90 for fasting and less than 120 two hours after meals). I continue to take 40 units of NPH in the morning (before breakfast). I continue with the glass of milk and the occasional tablespoon of peanut butter before bed (I swear this helps). I continue with BP medication twice a day (no change). I have been taking my pre-natal vitamin with dinner every day (no DHA, still have to go pick up). I also take folic acid every day and Colace (for constipation). I continue to take calcium chews occasionally. The iron supplements are every other day (it is tough on my stomach) at lunch time.
Gender: Not known. No change. Still no boy name - still Juliana if its a girl. I'm mad that we can't finalize a boy name and that Alex is so not into naming this baby.
What I'm looking forward to the most: Getting to hold my baby and starting our family of four. Getting the house in order in preparation for the arrival of my new baby (and feeling ready). Preparing my hospital bag...
Worries: This week I have tried to tackle and finish my to do list. I get one thing done, another appears. I am overwhelmed (and annoyed that I left a lot of this to the end). One major project was the nursery closet! We have a ton of boxes of clothes. I seriously had all of Anderson's clothes in the closet since his birth! I need to figure out how to fit both wardrobes in the closet. I am so happy that I am done (for the most part, are you ever really done?). Why did I wait so long to start this project?
My brother has added a whole new list of worries. He is in the hospital (which is located far from our home) with serious complications. I worry so much for him. I worry for his future, for the harm he is doing to our mother and for the burden that he is. I pray for him. I pray that I can help him somehow.
I also miss Alex. He has been working so much (in the scorching sun) and comes home exhausted and cranky (I would too). I feel like he is distant ... maybe it is just nerves (and how he deals) but we really do need some time together (and he needs a new job).
Also this week I prepared to have my best friend missing during the birth of the baby (they left for vacation this week). She is so important to me and not having her around for the last week (and first week of the baby) is such a bummer. I know she is bummed too, but this vacation has been planned for months. I miss her already.
What is different this time around: Alex was a lot more involved ... because there was so much more to do but this time there isn't much he can do (like paint a mural, or fix old furniture or build a crib). Also, worrying about Anderson is definitely different this time around.
Miss Anything? Drinking, I so could use one. My body...even though it wasn't perfect. I am so tired and uncomfortable all the time!! I know it is for a good cause, so I will stop.
Movement: I still feel the kicks but not as hard/frequent. I love feeling my baby.
Labor Signs: None. I get a hard belly occasionally. Sometimes some pain way low. Nothing I can't handle!!
Best moment of the week: Being ok with Dr. Savage delivering the baby. I guess.
Big Brother moment of the week: We have been talking about baby all the time. He must be sick of hearing about the baby. Enough already. I really have to be prepared for him to have a difficult time during the transition. They were going to switch Anderson in daycare to Toddler 2, but ultimately decided to keep the kids as Toddler 1 with Ms. Jackie (the same teacher he has had since 5 months old).
I was determined to get out with Anderson and spend time with him. My mom and I took A to see the ducks at a local park. Oh he was so happy. We took lots of pictures. I have been giving him lots of hugs and trying to get him to play alone (in preparation for baby feeding time). He is one happy dude and I love him to pieces.
ONE WEEK TO GO!! Tick's the final count down! Please God help me get through the rest of the week and be by my side during surgery. Also give guidance to Alex, my brother and mother and Anderson. We all need your grace.
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