How far along? 33 weeks (5/24/12)
Total weight gain: Up six pounds total
Size of baby: Durian (According to the Bump) (never heard of this fruit before)
Milestones (What Baby Center Says:):
This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (heft a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.
Also including the Bump this week....
Also including the Bump this week....
Your baby at 33 weeks
· He's keeping his eyes open while awake.
· He's also starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing.
· His bones are hardening.
· And he going through (more) major brain development -- that's one smart baby!
I am also including a blurb from the: at 33 weeks...
This has a lot of detail for the week:
Your baby weighs about 4.4 pounds at this point. The crown-to-rump length of your baby is approximately 12 inches and the total length is around 19.4 inches. Measuring from the top of your uterus to your bellybutton is 5.2 inches. Total weight gain at this point of pregnancy is usually 22 to 28 pounds.
Your baby's eyes open during alert times and close during sleep. The eye color is usually blue, regardless of the permanent color as pigmentation is not fully developed. The final formation of eye pigmentation requires exposure to light and usually happens a few weeks after birth.
Maternity clothes? I am wearing both maternity and non-maternity. Today - I am wearing all maternity my Black maternity trousers and my light blue maternity shirt.
Food cravings or aversions: Nothing this week. Sweet cravings are not as bad, pretty good actually.
Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good this week. I still have a hard time falling asleep. There are many nights where I am in bed, exhausted, but still awake. I try to read and I succumb eventually. Lots of thoughts, worries and planning going on in my mind. I love sleeping with my pillows and I have finally got it perfect. Ahhh. I still wake up once a night (at least) to go to the bathroom.
Symptoms: Another good week this week! I will take it!! Yes. I was so afraid to be in the same pain I was in a few weeks ago. It may still come, but now it will be for 6 weeks, not 10!! I am tired by the time I leave work....that has been consistent...but the pain in the lower pelvis is doable (I only feel sharp pains for small periods in the day, not a constant sharp pain like before). I feel the sharp pains at work (after sitting for a while) and in the car driving. I hope it stays this way for the next SIX weeks. Today I had a sharp Charlie horse pain on my upper left thigh. Painful! I hate Charlie Horses!! It lasted about 5 minutes. I read that if you lift your toes up, the pain passes! It works! But I would drop my toes and the pain would return (again and again...this happened a few times)...the Charlie horse needed to run its course. I guess.
On Tuesday (5/22/12) I had to my SECOND Bio Physical Profile (BPP) ultrasound at the OB office. The ultra sound tech was the same (nice to have some consistency). All was perfect! I was so glad to go to this appointment because the baby was quiet on Tuesday, with not a lot of movement. There was no concern from the tech or the nurse. Must be because we were moving around a lot that day. Daddy came this time, that was nice! The baby was way up high, with the head around my belly button and the back/spine on my upper stomach (under my breasts). The baby is breech, but the tech said it's still early and the baby could still move. I thought it wouldn't matter (since I will have a C-section), but the tech said it would be good to know the status just in case I go into labor quickly and they can't stop the labor. I was happy all was well, thank God. I hope the BPP's all go this well.
After the ultrasound I went upstairs to see the nurse (Beth). She was very thorough. She said my sugar numbers were good, but some were border line high and that I should test more often during the day. (I think my sugar numbers are awesome). She asked me to lay day to hear the heart beat...I was glad Daddy was there to hear it as well. She was able to locate the head on my belly (next to the belly button) and told me to circle her hands so I could feel it. That was insane. I had her have Alex try it too. Cool. She seemed to be studying my chart as she came in the door.
Thank goodness everyone seems to be over the flu, cough and breathing issues (me, mom and Anderson). Yeah! Lets see how long it lasts.
My first Non-Stress test at the hospital was a bit stressful! All turned out ok (which is key), but I was there for three hours! The nurse was new and had a hard time finding the heartbeat. She made me nervous. Really nervous. Then she made me annoyed because she just wasn't getting it and was making me feel like I was somehow doing something wrong (or worse, that there was something wrong with the baby). By the end I was mad. There was nurse shift change in between. The doctor who was on call (Dr. Savage) had to deliver a baby in between. All factors that delayed my time at the hospital. My mom came with me and she kept saying - let there be a delay with the staff as long as there are no problems with the baby...we can wait all day. She's right. I know. But I had some plans I wanted to accomplish before picking up Anderson, which I didn't get to do. Plus they seemed so disorganized. Oh well. After I met with Dr. Savage for a few minutes (she treated me like a kindergarten teacher, not very impressed with her) I went over to pick up Anderson at school and we went home. I was still annoyed though out the evening, but I guess I just have to give my time to the doctors/hospital during these appointments and not make plans. If this had been morning and I had to go to work...I would have NOT have functioned well.
I did change my second Non-Stress Test for Friday 5-25-12 to 9am so I could come to work. Bummer, I had wanted to work from home so that if the appointment was stressful I wouldn't have to drive an hour to work and still be more stressed...we will see how it goes.
Seeing as I am writing this on Friday (5-25-12) I already had my second BPP. I should technically wait for next week to document this, but...this week was better. I was still there for 2 hours, but it wasn't so bad. I waited a half hour to even get into a room, but the same "new" nurse was there. Ugh. I was instantly annoyed. However, she found the heartbeat in about a minute (as opposed to twenty minutes last week). Then it took another hour and half to do the test and wait for the doctor. She said my blood pressure was a bit high, but she checked it 3 additional times and it was fine. Dr. Dennis was on call today (yeah she is my doctor!). It was anti-climatic since she didn't ask me much...she just said everything looks good and signed off on the paperwork. (Last week Dr. Savage probed me with lots of questions, no happy medium). Also, Daddy came and kept me company for the visit. I think he liked hearing the heart beat but he was bored after an hour or so…
Medications: There has been no change on my insulin amounts this week. I am currently taking 130 units of NPH at night time to help with the fasting numbers (with the goal of having less than 90 for fasting and less than 120 two hours after meals). The numbers have been excellent in the morning! In the 70's. I can't believe it. I think that is awesome, because they have always been in the low 100's. I am still drinking a glass of milk and eating a tablespoon of peanut butter before bed and I will continue to do so as I believe it is helping with the numbers. I continue to take 40 units of NPH in the morning (before breakfast).
I continue with BP medication twice a day (no change). I have been taking my pre-natal every day and continue to take folic acid every day and on most days I take a DHA vitamin with dinner (I am NOT forgetting as much now).
I was a bit concerned because I finally got the letter explaining the anemia and instructions to take an iron supplement (from my OB’s office). Apparently I have to take TWO tablets and I shouldn't take them with my pre-natal. Nice of the doctor to mention that. So now I take my pre-natal with the DHA at dinner. And I take the iron with the blood pressure in the morning and bedtime. Since I have been constipated and it will only get worse with the iron, I have begun (today) taking one Colace with the iron supplement. Hopefully that is all I need.
I continue to take calcium chews, but a little less frequently. I eat a lot of yogurt and my daily cup of milk may cover me. Maybe? I will have to buy more chews...
Gender: Not known. No change. Not feeling strongly either way. I wish I knew. I may have to look. I need to know if I have to think of a boy name, because Alex and I haven't agreed on a name yet.
What I'm looking forward to the most: Meeting my baby. Having a successful 6 weeks.
Worries: Baby's health, my health and getting through the remaining weeks in good health. We also have a small party planned for Anderson for his birthday - which (as much as I try not to) is stressing me out. I can't help it, as party planning is not my thing and having people over to the house is always a stress inducer.
My worrying thoughts in my mind do not seem as bad this week. I have had a rough "month" or so with my thoughts/feelings/consuming worries. I feel a lot better this week. Not for any reason. Except, I have worried to the point of annoying myself. Worry does nothing but rob you of your time and peace. I continue to pray for guidance and peace...
What is different this time around: I worried last time and I will worry this time...not much has changed. I feel a lot bigger this time around and more tired.
Miss Anything? A relaxing drink...
Movement: Same as last week. I still feel the kicks, but not as much as before. I still love the kicks, as a reminder to me that the baby is ok. The baby kicks more at night.
Labor Signs: None. Continue to feel Braxton Hicks (hard belly) occasionally (maybe once/twice a day…longer at night).
Best moment of the week: Making it through the weekly Ultrasound and BPP with no issues. I love the kicks at night, I love talking to the baby and telling him/her that mommy is looking forward to meeting him/her.
Big Brother moment of the week: Anderson still doesn't really understand that a baby is coming to live with us. I am telling him more and more that a baby is coming. Anderson is all consuming of my time/energy, including planning his birthday party. I can't imagine loving two little humans as much as I love Anderson...but everyone tells me it will happen. My heart is going to explode with love!!
SIX WEEKS TO GO!! Four weeks until full term! June 21, 2012 I will be considered full term. The baby could come anytime after that! Maybe I will have two June babies!!