How far along? 37 weeks (6/21/12)
Total weight gain: Up 13 pounds total – OMG - Need to get this under control.
Size of baby: Winter Melon (According to the Bump)
Milestones (What Baby Center Says:):
Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. (Some babies need a bit more time, though. So if you're planning to have a repeat c-section, for example, your practitioner will schedule it for no earlier than 39 weeks unless there's a medical reason to intervene earlier.)
Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.
Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.
Maternity clothes? Mostly maternity at this point. Today - I am wearing a maternity top (new blue V-neck with long maternity black slacks).
Food cravings or aversions: Sweet cravings! Need to get RID OF THE CANDY. Ugghhh.
Sleep: Sleep has been Ok this week. My pillows are awesome but I miss Alex and can't wait to sleep on my side or flat on my back. I have a hard time falling asleep but sleep ok once I am out. I hate having to get up to go to the bathroom (which is only once a night).
Symptoms: I have a big ole round belly! I'm officially huge (and have been for a while). It's getting hard to bend down to grab stuff from the ground (and I always seem to be dropping stuff), but I can still do it. I can still sit on the floor (to play with Anderson) but its getting harder to get up and I can't stay for too long. I'm impressed with the pain (compared to what I went through in April - I thought I was going to be in dire straights at this point). This past week I worked a lot from home, due to doctor appointments. I am so exhausted at home because caring for Anderson and trying to work is hard and complicated and my brain can't deal anymore. I need to wrap up my projects at work and get out of the office and just focus on what needs to be done at home (I should be on leave already, but I'm not - simply because these projects will be waiting for me when I return in October). It's not easy and I find myself overwhelmed, exhausted and emotional (and crying very easily). I'm going to take it one day at a time. My goal was to be done with work this week, but looks like I will be coming in next week. So my new goal is to be done with work next Thursday (6/28/12).
My feet swell by the end of the day. The doctors are not too concerned. They look like tree trunks (I need to take a picture).
My sugar numbers are still pretty good and I have not had to change the insulin dose. (This morning was my first higher reading in a while – fasting equal 93). I remember adjusting insulin and using Metformin with Anderson until the end.
My feet swell by the end of the day. The doctors are not too concerned. They look like tree trunks (I need to take a picture).
My sugar numbers are still pretty good and I have not had to change the insulin dose. (This morning was my first higher reading in a while – fasting equal 93). I remember adjusting insulin and using Metformin with Anderson until the end.
I have noticed that I feel very tired around 10-11 am. I just need to stop and take a nap (so I try to have some protein for breakfast and that helps). At work I fight to stay awake (and sometimes fall asleep, yikes). At home I usually rest. I feel tired by the afternoon (4 pm). I'm needing more and more naps.
On Friday (6/15/2012) I went to Salem's birthplace for a Non Stress Test. This was probably the most efficient appointment yet. I came prepared with my new cell phone and a magazine. I didn't have to wait too long (but still a little while) and the baby performed great. Plus I didn't have to wait to see the doctor, she was happy with the results. Yeah! They did say the baby was very active and wanted to see if the baby calmed down a bit (unusual). I actually fell asleep in the bed (because of the magazine) and it was pretty quiet...go figure (first time ever).
On Friday (6/15/2012) I went to Salem's birthplace for a Non Stress Test. This was probably the most efficient appointment yet. I came prepared with my new cell phone and a magazine. I didn't have to wait too long (but still a little while) and the baby performed great. Plus I didn't have to wait to see the doctor, she was happy with the results. Yeah! They did say the baby was very active and wanted to see if the baby calmed down a bit (unusual). I actually fell asleep in the bed (because of the magazine) and it was pretty quiet...go figure (first time ever).
Tuesday (6/19/12) I had my scheduled Bio Physical Profile (BPP) ultrasound at the OB office (still the same tech). The ultrasound went well, the baby passed the test (best score you can get 8 out of 8) and I was in and out very quickly! The baby is no longer breech, the head is down. The baby was laying straight - not in the fetal position which is cool, since I thought the baby was too smooshed to be relaxing stretched out.
On Wednesday (6/20/12) I went to visit the OB (Dr. Dennis). I definitely prefer to have them on the same day as the BPP to avoid the extra trip. The doctor was a little late, but the worse part was the AC was not working properly and we are in a heat wave so the office was HOT (it was 100 degrees outside). By the time I left I was not feeling well. The appointment went well, she measured my belly (for whatever reason, they never really explain why) and heard the heartbeat. Perfect she said. The doctor said to prepare for the baby because these two weeks will fly by. Get the car seat ready! She also told me the signs to look for times. I can't believe we have reached this point. I feel so blessed to have made it to this point relatively in good health/spirit. It has been awesome, burdensome and overwhelming. I know this will be worth it as I can't wait to have my baby in my arms.
The doctor did say my bacteria screening was negative. So that is good news.
The doctor did say my bacteria screening was negative. So that is good news.
Medications: Again, my sugar levels have been good so there has been no change to my insulin amounts this week! Thank you GOD! I still take 130 units of NPH at night time to help with the fasting numbers (with the goal of having less than 90 for fasting and less than 120 two hours after meals). I continue to take 40 units of NPH in the morning (before breakfast). I continue with the glass of milk and the occasional tablespoon of peanut butter before bed (I swear this helps). I continue with BP medication twice a day (no change). I have been taking my pre-natal vitamin with dinner every day (we are out of the DHA, which I have to go pick up. At bedtime I take folic acid every day and Colace (for constipation). I continue to take calcium chews occasionally. The iron supplements are still once a day (at lunch time).
Gender: Not known. No change. Still no boy name - still Juliana if its a girl.
What I'm looking forward to the most: Getting to hold my baby. Letting my stomach be itself's invaded by a beach ball. It's hard to lug this belly around. Having a drink!
Worries: I have tried to calm down with the Anderson worries and the delivery day worries. Now, I am focusing on getting what needs to get done - finishing/cleaning up the baby room and preparing for a bed for the baby. I also really need to think of a name for a boy. Not sure why it is so hard to name a boy. As I type this I am feeling pretty calm (which is unusually) so that may explain why this section is small this week!!
What I'm looking forward to the most: Getting to hold my baby. Letting my stomach be itself's invaded by a beach ball. It's hard to lug this belly around. Having a drink!
Worries: I have tried to calm down with the Anderson worries and the delivery day worries. Now, I am focusing on getting what needs to get done - finishing/cleaning up the baby room and preparing for a bed for the baby. I also really need to think of a name for a boy. Not sure why it is so hard to name a boy. As I type this I am feeling pretty calm (which is unusually) so that may explain why this section is small this week!!
What is different this time around: Preparing for this to be my last pregnancy. Last time I knew I wanted a second. This time, I'm wishing we could have a third, but realistically I am thinking this will be my last pregnancy. I'm happy with two...but three feels like my number. I'm not sure I can do this again (I'm pretty sure I can't). I need to decide in the next two weeks if there is to be an end to my baby making days.
Miss Anything? Drinks during girls night. Everyone had Sangria. It was a hot day...and Sangria would have been perfect.
Movement: I still feel the kicks but not as hard/frequent. I love feeling my baby.
Labor Signs: None. Continue to feel Braxton Hicks (hard belly) occasionally - more at night when I am tired.
Best moment of the week: Reaching full term. Now this baby could come and we would (could) be home free! I didn't think I would get here (to be honest). I can't wait to meet my beautiful sunshine.
Big Brother moment of the week: Anderson is still not really prepared to be a big brother. I ask him if certain toys (like ones that are for infants) will be for the baby and he is "NO, MINE"." He does hug and kiss the belly which is cute. I'm praying that Anderson surprises us all and is good at being a big brother (I have been mentally preparing for it to be a difficult transition).
TWO WEEKS TO GO!! Full Term! I need alot of prayer to get through the next two weeks and the delivery. I get scared, start to breath heavily and then cry. Please let everything go smoothly, I pray. God hear my prayer!! Praying for another good week.