Friday, June 22, 2012

Week 37 - FULL TERM

How far along?  37 weeks (6/21/12)

Total weight gain:  Up 13 pounds total – OMG - Need to get this under control.    
Size of baby:   Winter Melon (According to the Bump)

Milestones (What Baby Center Says:):
Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. (Some babies need a bit more time, though. So if you're planning to have a repeat c-section, for example, your practitioner will schedule it for no earlier than 39 weeks unless there's a medical reason to intervene earlier.)

Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.
Maternity clothes?  Mostly maternity at this point.  Today - I am wearing a maternity top (new blue V-neck with long maternity black slacks).       

Food cravings or aversions:  Sweet cravings!  Need to get RID OF THE CANDY.  Ugghhh.   

Sleep:  Sleep has been Ok this week.  My pillows are awesome but I miss Alex and can't wait to sleep on my side or flat on my back.  I have a hard time falling asleep but sleep ok once I am out.  I hate having to get up to go to the bathroom (which is only once a night).       

Symptoms:  I have a big ole round belly!  I'm officially huge (and have been for a while).  It's getting hard to bend down to grab stuff from the ground (and I always seem to be dropping stuff), but I can still do it. I can still sit on the floor (to play with Anderson) but its getting harder to get up and I can't stay for too long.  I'm impressed with the pain (compared to what I went through in April - I thought I was going to be in dire straights at this point).  This past week I worked a lot from home, due to doctor appointments.  I am so exhausted at home because caring for Anderson and trying to work is hard and complicated and my brain can't deal anymore.  I need to wrap up my projects at work and get out of the office and just focus on what needs to be done at home (I should be on leave already, but I'm not - simply because these projects will be waiting for me when I return in October).  It's not easy and I find myself overwhelmed, exhausted and emotional (and crying very easily).  I'm going to take it one day at a time.  My goal was to be done with work this week, but looks like I will be coming in next week.   So my new goal is to be done with work next Thursday (6/28/12). 

My feet swell by the end of the day.  The doctors are not too concerned.  They look like tree trunks (I need to take a picture).

My sugar numbers are still pretty good and I have not had to change the insulin dose.  (This morning was my first higher reading in a while – fasting equal 93).   I remember adjusting insulin and using Metformin with Anderson until the end. 

I have noticed that I feel very tired around 10-11 am.  I just need to stop and take a nap (so I try to have some protein for breakfast and that helps).  At work I fight to stay awake (and sometimes fall asleep, yikes).  At home I usually rest.  I feel tired by the afternoon (4 pm).  I'm needing more and more naps. 

On Friday (6/15/2012) I went to Salem's birthplace for a Non Stress Test.  This was probably the most efficient appointment yet.  I came prepared with my new cell phone and a magazine.  I didn't have to wait too long (but still a little while) and the baby performed great.  Plus I didn't have to wait to see the doctor, she was happy with the results.   Yeah!  They did say the baby was very active and wanted to see if the baby calmed down a bit  (unusual).  I actually fell asleep in the bed (because of the magazine) and it was pretty quiet...go figure (first time ever). 

Tuesday (6/19/12) I had my scheduled Bio Physical Profile (BPP) ultrasound at the OB office (still the same tech).  The ultrasound went well, the baby passed the test (best score you can get 8 out of 8) and I was in and out very quickly!  The baby is no longer breech, the head is down.  The baby was laying straight - not in the fetal position which is cool, since I thought the baby was too smooshed to be relaxing stretched out.  
On Wednesday (6/20/12) I went to visit the OB (Dr. Dennis).  I definitely prefer to have them on the same day as the BPP to avoid the extra trip.   The doctor was a little late, but the worse part was the AC was not working properly and we are in a heat wave so the office was HOT (it was 100 degrees outside).  By the time I left I was not feeling well.  The appointment went well, she measured my belly (for whatever reason, they never really explain why) and heard the heartbeat.  Perfect she said.  The doctor said to prepare for the baby because these two weeks will fly by.  Get the car seat ready!  She also told me the signs to look for times.  I can't believe we have reached this point.  I feel so blessed to have made it to this point relatively in good health/spirit.  It has been awesome, burdensome and overwhelming.  I know this will be worth it as I can't wait to have my baby in my arms. 

The doctor did say my bacteria screening was negative.  So that is good news.    

Medications:  Again, my sugar levels have been good so there has been no change to my insulin amounts this week!  Thank you GOD!  I still take 130 units of NPH at night time to help with the fasting numbers (with the goal of having less than 90 for fasting and less than 120 two hours after meals).  I continue to take 40 units of NPH in the morning (before breakfast).  I continue with the glass of milk and the occasional tablespoon of peanut butter before bed (I swear this helps).  I continue with BP medication twice a day (no change).  I have been taking my pre-natal vitamin with dinner every day (we are out of the DHA, which I have to go pick up.  At bedtime I take folic acid every day and Colace (for constipation).  I continue to take calcium chews occasionally.  The iron supplements are still once a day (at lunch time). 

Gender:  Not known.  No change.  Still no boy name - still Juliana if its a girl. 

What I'm looking forward to the most:   Getting to hold my baby.  Letting my stomach be itself's invaded by a beach ball.  It's hard to lug this belly around.  Having a drink!

Worries:  I have tried to calm down with the Anderson worries and the delivery day worries.  Now, I am focusing on getting what needs to get done - finishing/cleaning up the baby room and preparing for a bed for the baby.  I also really need to think of a name for a boy.  Not sure why it is so hard to name a boy. As I type this I am feeling pretty calm (which is unusually) so that may explain why this section is small this week!!
What is different this time around:  Preparing for this to be my last pregnancy.  Last time I knew I wanted a second.  This time, I'm wishing we could have a third, but realistically I am thinking this will be my last pregnancy.  I'm happy with two...but three feels like my number.  I'm not sure I can do this again (I'm pretty sure I can't).  I need to decide in the next two weeks if there is to be an end to my baby making days. 

Miss Anything?  Drinks during girls night.  Everyone had Sangria.  It was a hot day...and Sangria would have been perfect. 

Movement:  I still feel the kicks but not as hard/frequent.  I love feeling my baby.    

Labor Signs:  None.  Continue to feel Braxton Hicks (hard belly) occasionally - more at night when I am tired.   

Best moment of the week: Reaching full term.  Now this baby could come and we would (could)  be home free!  I didn't think I would get here (to be honest).  I can't wait to meet my beautiful sunshine. 
Big Brother moment of the week:  Anderson is still not really prepared to be a big brother.  I ask him if certain toys (like ones that are for infants) will be for the baby and he is "NO, MINE"."  He does hug and kiss the belly which is cute.  I'm praying that Anderson surprises us all and is good at being a big brother (I have been mentally preparing for it to be a difficult transition).

TWO WEEKS TO GO!!  Full Term!  I need alot of prayer to get through the next two weeks and the delivery.  I get scared, start to breath heavily and then cry.  Please let everything go smoothly, I pray.  God hear my prayer!!  Praying for another good week.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

36 Weeks - Plugging along

How far along?  36 weeks (6/14/12)

Total weight gain:  Up eight pounds total – I thnk I was afraid to look.    
Size of baby:   Honeydew (According to the Bump)

Milestones (What Baby Center Says:):
Your baby is still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds (like a crenshaw melon) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long. She's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of her first bowel movement.

At the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term. (Full-term is 37 to 42 weeks; babies born before 37 weeks are pre-term and those born after 42 are post-term.) Most likely she's in a head-down position. But if she isn't, your practitioner may suggest scheduling an "external cephalic version," which is a fancy way of saying she'll try to coax your baby into a head-down position by manipulating her from the outside of your belly.

Maternity clothes?  Mostly maternity at this point.  Today - I am wearing a maternity top (new bold blue with white strips with long maternity black slacks).       

Food cravings or aversions:  Sweet cravings are back full force.  Ugghhh.   

Sleep:  Sleep has been good this week.  Starting to get more uncomfortable.  My pillows are still doing their job and help with the comfort level.       

Symptoms:  The pain in my lower back (and butt) has gone away!!  Yeah.  The pain in my ankle has past as well, YEAH.  I know the pain had more to do with exhaustion than anything else.  I took it easy this past week.  And with my note to disconnect from work I spent a few days working from home (that helped).  I do have swollen feet and some days are worse than others.  The days that I walk, the swelling is LESS.  Go figure.  The doctors do not seem too concerned.    The pelvis pain is still there but is minimal.   I am also feeling more pain when I get up from sitting in a chair.  That pain goes away pretty quickly. My sugar numbers are still pretty good (yeah) but I have to really watch it as it will creep up if I keep eating CANDY.   (This morning was my first higher reading in a while – fasting equal 99). 

I have noticed that I feel very tired around 10-11 am.  I just need to stop and take a nap.  At work I fight to stay awake (and sometimes fall asleep, yikes).  At home I usually rest.  I feel tired by the afternoon (4 pm).  I have been leaving work early, and that helps. 

On Friday (6/8/2012) I went to Salem's birthplace for a Non Stress Test.  They made me wait SO LONG.  I thought they forgot about me.  They make you wait in the lobby, then they take you in the room and you wait there forever too.  Headache city.  I was so bored and annoyed, that my mind races to horrible stressful thoughts.  I had such a headache after I left.  The nurses were in transition (which I think caused the delay, who knows really).  Everything was fine with the baby, and I didn't even have to see the doctor this time.  I literally had to go home and lay down - that is how bad my headache was. 

Tuesday (6/12/12) I had my scheduled Bio Physical Profile (BPP) ultrasound at the OB office (still the same tech).  Vovo and Anderson came this time!!  Fun.  Anderson was obsessed with the fish they have in the office.  The ultrasound went well, the baby passed the test (best score you can get 8 out of 8)!  The baby is no longer breech, the head is down (I think, I forgot to ask, but the nurse upstairs said not breech).   Anderson watched the screen and smiled...but I'm not too sure he knew what was going on. 

After the ultrasound I went upstairs to see the nurse.  This appointment was quick, but at this point Anderson was ready to go (so my mom left the room as the nurse found the heartbeat).  The nurse is nice and all, she seems capable but she started to question why I had an ultrasound and a NST on the same day (next week).  Why don't you have the tech downstairs do a growth ultrasound?  I don't know, you tell me is what I tried to say - but couldn't get the words out because I was annoyed.  She said Beth would call me (two days later and no call, so I will have to call and follow up).  I like continuity in my visits, and sometimes I don't feel that way with the practice.  It may be because I have complicated, non routine factors in my pregnancy, or it could be because not everyone is on the same page in the practice....
All is status quo (blood pressure was good, sugars, protein, heart beat, etc).   I did have the bacteria swab 'down there' to check for the bacteria - just in case I go into labor and have a vaginal birth.  Not fun.     

Medications:  Again, my sugar levels have been good so there has been no change to my insulin amounts this week!  Thank you GOD!  I still take 130 units of NPH at night time to help with the fasting numbers (with the goal of having less than 90 for fasting and less than 120 two hours after meals).  I continue to take 40 units of NPH in the morning (before breakfast).  I continue with the glass of milk and the occasional tablespoon of peanut butter before bed (I swear this helps).  I continue with BP medication twice a day (no change).  I have been taking my pre-natal and DHA vitamin with dinner every day (I have been better about not forgetting).  At bedtime I take folic acid every day and Colace (for constipation).  I continue to take calcium chews occasionally.  The iron supplements are still once a day (at lunch time). 

Gender:  Not known.  No change.  Why didn't I just find out?  I'm so annoyed that we have not organized the newborn clothes, or set up the closet or anything.  Alex thinks we can do this after the baby is born.  I think this will just mount to more stress when the baby arrives.  Ugh.  This weekend I will try to put Anderson's winter clothes away.  I am also determined to have a boy name chosen this week (and I need to stop thinking about a girls name as we have already agreed to Juliana).  I really liked Mason Alexander, but come to find out the whole world is naming their kid Mason (because of Mason Kardashian).  Naming this baby is top priority!  I'm liking Alexander as a middle name...just need a first name that goes with Alexander.       

What I'm looking forward to the most:   Having my body back.  I want to get down on the floor and play with Anderson, I want to get out of bed comfortably, sleep on my side, walk comfortably, etc.  Also, the anticipation is starting to get to me.  I just want to have the baby, know that all is ok and get on with our summer (and being a family of four). 

Worries:  We have a date set for the c-section (7-5-12) so the anticipation of the arrival is weighing heavily on me.  I have visions of dropping off Anderson at daycare and going to the hospital.  That drop off and the day prior (4th of July) is going to be really stressful.  I start to tear up just thinking about it.  I know all will work out, but a little part of me knows there are risks to everything (and I have to put a stop to those dark visions).  I have to stop thinking about negative things and just focus on the positives, about God's blessings, how wonderful everything will turn out, and how this is GOOD for Anderson, etc.  I also have a list of to do items...I need to get them done and focus on preparing our home, Anderson and taking care of my body.  No more worrying!! 

What is different this time around:  Honestly, we haven't done much to prepare for this baby (except for all my doctor appointments).  This so different than with Anderson because the second baby is going to use everything we already own (and we owned nothing the first time around).  Since we didn't find out the gender last time we got everything neutral.  It's so much easier than last time (I stressed last time over the smallest things - like if we had enough socks - we ended up NOT having enough socks but within a day someone came over with a dozen pairs).  I have stuff everywhere, we just need to coral it, clean it, and set it up.  I have a little list of things the baby needs and have already bought diapers!  I know Daddy is going to need to run some errands when he is home that first week, so he will pick up anything we need (I remember him going all over town - and out of town - in search of a big blue dog to take pictures with Anderson).  The stress level is so much different than with the first baby!  I remember feeling overwhelmed after the baby much stuff to put away and set up. 

Miss Anything?  Mimosa during my Baby Sprinkle Brunch this past weekend.    My favorite girls got together and planned a surprise party to celebrate Baby #2.  These ladies are so wonderful and nice and full of love for me and my baby.  There were 12 of us, just enough to make it fun!  They each brought a little something for the baby or for me and we all had a great brunch. 

Movement:  I still feel the kicks and I love it.  Not as frequent as before, but some good jabs.  

Labor Signs:  None.  Continue to feel Braxton Hicks (hard belly) occasionally - more at night when I am tired.   

Best moment of the week:  I enjoyed a relatively calm week after a busy week of birthday celebrations.  Relaxing in comparison...   

Big Brother moment of the week:  Anderson kissing my belly.  So cute.  He is also hugging a lot more and wants to hug the baby.    

THREE WEEKS TO GO!!  One week until full term!  I need guidance and prayer to get over my fears and to help eat well and to have a good week overall.  God listen to my prayer please.  Pray, pray, pray for another good week.

Monday, June 11, 2012

35 Weeks - Surviving and thriving!

How far along?  35 weeks (6/7/12)

Total weight gain:  Up ten pounds total – YIKES (3 pounds in one week)!!!  
Size of baby:   Coconut (According to the Bump)

Milestones (What Baby Center Says:):
Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that he's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (pick up a honeydew melon). Because it's so snug in your womb, he isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times he kicks should remain about the same. His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete — he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.

Maternity clothes?  Yes, but still wearing both maternity and non-maternity.  Today - I am wearing a maternity top (old navy blue top with maternity jeans).       

Food cravings or aversions:  Sweet cravings are up again due to having lots of sweets in the house. 

Sleep:  Sleep has been good this week.  My pillows and I have really bonded and I couldn’t sleep without them!  Still waking to pee at least once and I often I feel like I may not make it…tmi.     

Symptoms:  During the week I felt some pain with sharp pain on my lower back (left side).  I think it was sciatica kicking in).  My legs were so sore as well as my ankles (my left side).  I’m sure this had to do with the birthday party over the weekend.  On Friday I over did it with the cleaning and the baby let me know!  I felt a very hard belly, nausea and general discomfort.  I had to stop.  On Saturday I didn’t over do it because I was afraid of feeling like Friday.  Alex, Vovo and my bestie Maria really helped to get the party set up.  Alex did so much, he never complained of being exhausted, but he must have been.  On Sunday, just standing around all day and attending to guests (and pleasing Anderson) made me so tired!  I was in pain by 9 pm and had to stop.  My legs and feet were so sore (I thought for sure I would have a Charlie horse, but to my amazement I did not!).  My mom took over and got Anderson ready for bed (she is wonderful).  I wish I could have stayed home on Monday, but no dice because we are in the middle of an audit.  I was hurting on Monday, I even took a Tylenol.  As the week progressed the pain diminished and eventually disappeared. 

The pelvis pain is still there but is minimal.  I usually have to hold the belly for a while and it passes.  My sugar numbers are still pretty good (yeah) and the swelling on my feet hasn’t gotten worse (so it’s still there).  I feel tired by the afternoon.  It seems to come earlier and earlier.  I feel great in the morning …but deflated by my commute home. 

On Friday (5/31/2012) I went to Mass General Hospital (Danvers) for a growth ultrasound.  The baby is weighing about 5 pounds 7 ounces which is 59% percentile.  The doctor says that is great!  I was happy.  They did have to zap my stomach so that the baby would wake UP!  They have this device that they place on the belly and it buzzes.  The baby would move its hands after each buzz (the baby is breach again).  Eventually there was enough movement to satisfy the doctor’s concerns and pass the biophysical profile.  I was happy (but still a little concerned that she had to do the buzzing).  Using the buzzing technique prevented the need to go to the hospital for a NST.  Win.     

Tuesday (6/1/12) I had my scheduled Bio Physical Profile (BPP) ultrasound at the OB office (still the same tech).  The baby passed the test!  The baby moved and is laying we are breech again!  After the ultrasound I went upstairs to see Dr, Kalinda Dennis (my primary OB).  This appointment went a lot smoother than last weeks (I didn’t wait long).  I feel like this was going to be my last visit with her (since she is leaving) so I basically said good bye.  I told her my concerns with work and my schedule and pain and she wrote me a note to stop working.  Work has been great about me taking time off, but at the same token I wanted a note to validate my absence.  I got the note, but my heart sank with fear at the same time (what is wrong with me, am I crazy?).  I technically can stop working (but I still plan to come in occasionally).  We heard the heart beat discussed what to look out for (for labor) and made plans to see them at the office next week.  All is status quo (blood pressure was good, sugars, protein, heart beat, etc). 

Medications:  Again, my sugar levels have been pretty good all week so there has been no change to my insulin amounts this week!  I remember increasing everyday with Anderson until the end.  Thank you GOD!  I still take 130 units of NPH at night time to help with the fasting numbers (with the goal of having less than 90 for fasting and less than 120 two hours after meals).  I continue to take 40 units of NPH in the morning (before breakfast).  I continue with the glass of milk and the occasional tablespoon of peanut butter before bed.   

I continue with BP medication twice a day (no change).  I have been taking my pre-natal and DHA vitamin with dinner every day (I have been better about not forgetting).  At bedtime I take folic acid every day and Colace (for constipation).  I continue to take calcium chews occasionally.  The iron supplements were doing a number on my stomach so I have cut back to one a day. 

Gender:  Not known.  No change.  I want to know, but I have come this far, why not hold out. We have a name for a girl (the same name we had for Anderson)…Juliana.  As for a boy name…no decision yet.  We have to come to an agreement!  

What I'm looking forward to the most:  My babies meeting and enjoying our summer getting use to our new family dynamics.  I know it will be stressful, but I just want to get this party started!                    

Worries:  Being ready for the birth (including day care for Anderson) and having everything ready at home (bottles, clothes, sleeping, NAME, etc).  Plus I want my sugars and WEIGHT to stabilize.  I think I had too many sweets for the birthday party and gained three pounds in one week, YIKES.   

What is different this time around:  Having a note not to work.  (But I’m still working so not sure what difference it makes).   

Miss Anything?  Some Sangria.  I missed having a glass of wine at Anderson’s birthday party. 

Movement:    I still feel the kicks, but not as much as before.  I still love the kicks, as a reminder to me that the baby is ok.   The baby kicks more at night when I am lying still.  

Labor Signs:  None.  Continue to feel Braxton Hicks (hard belly) occasionally - more at night and when I don't drink enough water.       

Best moment of the week:  Surviving and thriving through Anderson’s birthday party!!!  

Big Brother moment of the week:  Anderson celebrated his birthday this past week and we had so much fun.  I am going to soak him up during these last few weeks I have him to myself.  Anderson didn’t ask to be a big brother, but deep in my heart I know it will be good for Anderson to have a sibling and that family tie.  We (me, dad, vovo) have an over abundant amount of love to give Anderson and he will never be without love and attention (he may not have it front and center 24/7 but he will know love and be taken care of).  I can’t let the mommy guilt monsters convinces me otherwise (I pray for guidance and patience).    

FOUR WEEKS TO GO!!  Two weeks until full term!  Pray, pray, pray for another good week. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy Birthday to my little man...

To my dearest Anderson,

You are the sunshine of my life, I am so much better having known you.  You make my heart burst with love and pride.  Being your mommy is the best job in the world.  Please always be this loving and sweet toward your mommy, ok? 

I want to give you a ton of kisses and hugs on this two year anniversary of your miraculous entry into the world.  You ROCKED my the core. 

Kisses my sweet sunshine.  God loves you, Mommy loves is good. 


34 - Another Awesome week!!

How far along?  34 weeks (5/31/12)

Total weight gain:  Up seven pounds total    
Size of baby:   Butternut Squash (According to the Bump)

Milestones (What Baby Center Says:):

Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers — which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.

Maternity clothes?  I am wearing both maternity and non-maternity.  Today - I am wearing a maternity top (my new blue and white stripes shirt that is super long) and my black non- maternity trousers (they are tight - I will have to unbutton before the day is out).       

Food cravings or aversions:  Nothing this week.  Sweet cravings are not bad.  I have to get the candy out of my house before I cave.

Sleep:  Sleep has been the same this week.  We are in full party mode this week (preparing for Anderson's second birthday party) and there is some stress which is affecting my ability to fall asleep.  There are many nights where I am in bed, exhausted, but still awake...making the same to do list in my head over and over.  I still love my pillows and I notice a huge discomfort without them (like when Alex steals one).  I still wake up once a night (at least) to go to the bathroom.   

Symptoms:  Another good week this week!  I am so happy!!  All I have to say is thank GOD.  I have prayed to keep my body healthy and for my baby to continue to grow and be healthy.  Please GOD, let this be the way for the next 5 weeks!  

The pelvis pain is minimal, the sugar numbers are good and the swelling is ok.  I am definitely exhausted as I commute home.  I am starting to dread the commute home (coming in is not that bad).  I did have Charlie horse pain on my thigh.  It was painful but didn't last as long as the last one...which is good.  

On Tuesday (5/29/12) I had my scheduled Bio Physical Profile (BPP) ultrasound at the OB office.  Still the same tech and she seems to remember me.  All was perfect and the baby passed the test!  The baby's head is no more breech!  Yeah!  {On Saturday (5/26) we were sitting outside in the shade but it was hot out.  I started to not feel well so I left Anderson with Alex and went inside to drink some water and rest.  While I sat there for 20 minutes or so the baby moved so much!!  Then there was this big swig and I swear I could see my stomach move.  It hurt a little bit....I bet that is when the baby moved head down!.  I felt much better afterwards.}  I was happy at the ultrasound that all is well, thank God.  I hope the BPP's all go this well. 

After the ultrasound I went upstairs to see Dr, Gelinas (the wife/female, there is a married couple).  I waited an hour to see her.  They did warn me that she was very behind schedule.  Eventually I had to cancel my diabetes appointment and reschedule.  I waited what seems to be forever.  She said my sugar numbers were good and that I should test more often during the day (same as last week).  I think my sugar numbers are awesome (compared to what I recall with Anderson, I don't recall them ever being stable for fasting).  We heard the heart beat, 151.  My blood pressure is good, no mention of any weight gain issues, no protein in the good over all.  I had been so flustered waiting that I worked myself up.  I did end up telling her that I am stressed with my work schedule and the constant appointments.  Work has been very good about me working from home, but they can only take so much (and work/bosses have different priorities).  I wanted to know whether or not a note to support a reduced schedule would be something she (or any of the doctors) would give me.  And she said absolutely, whatever I wanted.  I did tell her that I don't feel like I have a bond with any of the doctors or anyone really in the office (as bad as that sounds) because I see a different doctor or nurse every visit.  She assured me that if and when I need assistance and/or a note that the doctors would agree to it.  That was a great relieve.  I was disappointed that Dr. Dennis will be leaving the practice on June 30th.  She will not be delivering the baby.  Bummer.  We still need to plan the C-section.     

I did meet with Dr. Parsegian (the diabetes doctor) this week (5/31-12) who was super impressed with my numbers!  He said I am doing perfect!  He said he wants to see me 6 weeks after the baby is born!!  Wow.  He did say that after the baby is born he will probably suggest I go on metformin.  I guess we wait and see. 

Medications:  Again, my sugar levels have been great all week so there has been no change to my insulin amounts this week!  I am pleasantly surprised (and thanking God all the time).  I still take 130 units of NPH at night time to help with the fasting numbers (with the goal of having less than 90 for fasting and less than 120 two hours after meals).  I continue to take 40 units of NPH in the morning (before breakfast).  I am sure the glass of milk and the tablespoon of peanut butter before bed is helping!  Sometimes I drink just the milk and the numbers are good!   

I continue with BP medication twice a day (no change).  I have been taking my pre-natal and DHA vitamin with dinner every day (I have been better about not forgetting).  At bedtime I take folic acid every day and Colace (for constipation).  I continue to take calcium chews occasional.  The iron supplements were doing a number on my stomach.  I think I am going to take one every other day and then two every other day (at random times [lunch] without other medications).   

Gender:  Not known.  No change.  I want to know, but I have come this far, why not hold out.  But it's decision time. We need decisions made and it is easier if we know the sex…just saying.  Alex still doesn't care (I think he knows). 

What I'm looking forward to the most:  Getting though this weekend with limited stress and exhaustion.  Maintaining good sugar levels and getting through June.  I want my baby in my arms.                    

Worries:  Baby's health, my health and getting through the remaining weeks in good health.  Also, same as last week...Anderson's second birthday party - which is a stress inducer (as much as I try not to let it get to me).  Plus Anderson appears to have a cold, is crying more at daycare drop offs and is getting even shyer around people.  This is going to be a great party.   

What is different this time around:  The sugar levels...I'm so happy right now. 

Miss Anything?  A relaxing drink...I seem to think this every day and that worries me! 

Movement:   Same as last week.  I still feel the kicks, but not as much as before.  I still love the kicks, as a reminder to me that the baby is ok.   The baby kicks more at night.  

Labor Signs:  None.  Continue to feel Braxton Hicks (hard belly) occasionally - more at night and when I don't drink enough water.       

Best moment of the week:  No more breech and my sugar readings.  Also my wonderful friend Dina said that I look like I am glowing and that pregnancy agrees with me.  WOW.  The nurse last week said I do not look 40, more like 25!  Wow I will take it.  I also enjoyed going to mall with my mom to do some much need maternity clothes shopping.  We got a pair of shorts and three tops!  Yeah. 

Big Brother moment of the week:  Anderson will be two year's old on Monday June 4, 2012.  Happy Birthday sunshine.  Anderson still doesn't get it, that a baby will be living with us soon.  I keep telling him.  We talk about baby all the time.  I told Anderson that he is going to be a big brother and he is going to play with baby and teach baby lots of stuff - and Anderson says YEAH...really excitedly.  Ohhhh, be still my beating heart. 

FIVE WEEKS TO GO!!  Three weeks until full term!  Praying for another good week.