Monday, June 11, 2012

35 Weeks - Surviving and thriving!

How far along?  35 weeks (6/7/12)

Total weight gain:  Up ten pounds total – YIKES (3 pounds in one week)!!!  
Size of baby:   Coconut (According to the Bump)

Milestones (What Baby Center Says:):
Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that he's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (pick up a honeydew melon). Because it's so snug in your womb, he isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times he kicks should remain about the same. His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete — he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.

Maternity clothes?  Yes, but still wearing both maternity and non-maternity.  Today - I am wearing a maternity top (old navy blue top with maternity jeans).       

Food cravings or aversions:  Sweet cravings are up again due to having lots of sweets in the house. 

Sleep:  Sleep has been good this week.  My pillows and I have really bonded and I couldn’t sleep without them!  Still waking to pee at least once and I often I feel like I may not make it…tmi.     

Symptoms:  During the week I felt some pain with sharp pain on my lower back (left side).  I think it was sciatica kicking in).  My legs were so sore as well as my ankles (my left side).  I’m sure this had to do with the birthday party over the weekend.  On Friday I over did it with the cleaning and the baby let me know!  I felt a very hard belly, nausea and general discomfort.  I had to stop.  On Saturday I didn’t over do it because I was afraid of feeling like Friday.  Alex, Vovo and my bestie Maria really helped to get the party set up.  Alex did so much, he never complained of being exhausted, but he must have been.  On Sunday, just standing around all day and attending to guests (and pleasing Anderson) made me so tired!  I was in pain by 9 pm and had to stop.  My legs and feet were so sore (I thought for sure I would have a Charlie horse, but to my amazement I did not!).  My mom took over and got Anderson ready for bed (she is wonderful).  I wish I could have stayed home on Monday, but no dice because we are in the middle of an audit.  I was hurting on Monday, I even took a Tylenol.  As the week progressed the pain diminished and eventually disappeared. 

The pelvis pain is still there but is minimal.  I usually have to hold the belly for a while and it passes.  My sugar numbers are still pretty good (yeah) and the swelling on my feet hasn’t gotten worse (so it’s still there).  I feel tired by the afternoon.  It seems to come earlier and earlier.  I feel great in the morning …but deflated by my commute home. 

On Friday (5/31/2012) I went to Mass General Hospital (Danvers) for a growth ultrasound.  The baby is weighing about 5 pounds 7 ounces which is 59% percentile.  The doctor says that is great!  I was happy.  They did have to zap my stomach so that the baby would wake UP!  They have this device that they place on the belly and it buzzes.  The baby would move its hands after each buzz (the baby is breach again).  Eventually there was enough movement to satisfy the doctor’s concerns and pass the biophysical profile.  I was happy (but still a little concerned that she had to do the buzzing).  Using the buzzing technique prevented the need to go to the hospital for a NST.  Win.     

Tuesday (6/1/12) I had my scheduled Bio Physical Profile (BPP) ultrasound at the OB office (still the same tech).  The baby passed the test!  The baby moved and is laying we are breech again!  After the ultrasound I went upstairs to see Dr, Kalinda Dennis (my primary OB).  This appointment went a lot smoother than last weeks (I didn’t wait long).  I feel like this was going to be my last visit with her (since she is leaving) so I basically said good bye.  I told her my concerns with work and my schedule and pain and she wrote me a note to stop working.  Work has been great about me taking time off, but at the same token I wanted a note to validate my absence.  I got the note, but my heart sank with fear at the same time (what is wrong with me, am I crazy?).  I technically can stop working (but I still plan to come in occasionally).  We heard the heart beat discussed what to look out for (for labor) and made plans to see them at the office next week.  All is status quo (blood pressure was good, sugars, protein, heart beat, etc). 

Medications:  Again, my sugar levels have been pretty good all week so there has been no change to my insulin amounts this week!  I remember increasing everyday with Anderson until the end.  Thank you GOD!  I still take 130 units of NPH at night time to help with the fasting numbers (with the goal of having less than 90 for fasting and less than 120 two hours after meals).  I continue to take 40 units of NPH in the morning (before breakfast).  I continue with the glass of milk and the occasional tablespoon of peanut butter before bed.   

I continue with BP medication twice a day (no change).  I have been taking my pre-natal and DHA vitamin with dinner every day (I have been better about not forgetting).  At bedtime I take folic acid every day and Colace (for constipation).  I continue to take calcium chews occasionally.  The iron supplements were doing a number on my stomach so I have cut back to one a day. 

Gender:  Not known.  No change.  I want to know, but I have come this far, why not hold out. We have a name for a girl (the same name we had for Anderson)…Juliana.  As for a boy name…no decision yet.  We have to come to an agreement!  

What I'm looking forward to the most:  My babies meeting and enjoying our summer getting use to our new family dynamics.  I know it will be stressful, but I just want to get this party started!                    

Worries:  Being ready for the birth (including day care for Anderson) and having everything ready at home (bottles, clothes, sleeping, NAME, etc).  Plus I want my sugars and WEIGHT to stabilize.  I think I had too many sweets for the birthday party and gained three pounds in one week, YIKES.   

What is different this time around:  Having a note not to work.  (But I’m still working so not sure what difference it makes).   

Miss Anything?  Some Sangria.  I missed having a glass of wine at Anderson’s birthday party. 

Movement:    I still feel the kicks, but not as much as before.  I still love the kicks, as a reminder to me that the baby is ok.   The baby kicks more at night when I am lying still.  

Labor Signs:  None.  Continue to feel Braxton Hicks (hard belly) occasionally - more at night and when I don't drink enough water.       

Best moment of the week:  Surviving and thriving through Anderson’s birthday party!!!  

Big Brother moment of the week:  Anderson celebrated his birthday this past week and we had so much fun.  I am going to soak him up during these last few weeks I have him to myself.  Anderson didn’t ask to be a big brother, but deep in my heart I know it will be good for Anderson to have a sibling and that family tie.  We (me, dad, vovo) have an over abundant amount of love to give Anderson and he will never be without love and attention (he may not have it front and center 24/7 but he will know love and be taken care of).  I can’t let the mommy guilt monsters convinces me otherwise (I pray for guidance and patience).    

FOUR WEEKS TO GO!!  Two weeks until full term!  Pray, pray, pray for another good week. 

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