An update on Anderson is needed since so much has been going on with him ...
This past week I have seen lots of changes in Little A. He is definitely scooting around better while on his belly. He pivots easily and rotates and moves backwards...he's doing this with ease while on his belly (he does complain after a little while but he's handling being on his belly a lot more). He is still not creeping forward (while on his belly). This week he has gone from being on his belly to sitting!! It is so cute to watch. He concentrates so hard while he is doing it and then when he gets to sitting he looks to me like - see I told I could do it!! I'm so proud.
He also can go from sitting to down to his belly - pretty controlled too. While down on his belly he is rolling around more and more. He is even lifting his belly off the floor and he puts his hands and knees in crawling position!! Last weekend (4/16/11) he even rocked back and forth on all fours!! OMG, what progress. Seems like overnight.
In the last few weeks (April), A has been rolling a lot in his bed when he is getting ready to nap. He rolls from side to side, on to his back and puts his head down and lifts his butt up!! So cute. Yesterday was the first time he has slept on his belly! I was so scared, but he got himself comfortable in that position and there he stayed. He took an hour an half nap. I noticed his morning naps are getting longer and I am sure that is because he is up so many times a night. I really miss my baby sleeping all night with no wake ups. He use to do it but now he is not. I'm not sure why. He wakes up crying and it isn't just once, last night was three times. It makes for a restless night and I'm sure that is why he is taking longer naps in the morning? I wish I could take naps in the morning too :) I thought it was his cold (nasal congestion), or his cough or his ear infection or his teething or a 10 month wakeful...but it's been three weeks already and it's getting old. He's learning some bad habbits and I want to nip it in the bud. We will make some changes this weekend and see if that helps and we will have to regroup.
We lowered his crib a week or so ago because he is pulling up to standing from a sitting position. Again, very cute to watch and he looks to us for confirmation and support once he is done. He was wobbly at first but now he is pretty sturdy. He even lets go of one hand and can easily stay standing. He fixes his feet to be in a comfortable stance - cute! Yesterday he even let go of both hands and stood alone for a second. Awesome. Little A is getting so big and growing.
Last Friday we got an evaluation from his day care providers. They see him twice a week for about 12 hours, even less some times. They were pretty blunt with the evaluation and said that certain skills are not at the same level as other infants his age. Of course it is difficult to read. I was upset and worried that Anderson could have some serious cognitive issues that need to be looked into. My first thought was what if something is wrong with him - how can I help him??
I was disappointed that the evaluation did not offer any constructive suggestions or offer any suggestions on how to to see improvements in Little A's development. It was just a summary of where he is at a particular time - 10 months. Maybe some parents do not want suggestions??? There was not a single bit of insight given. No exercise suggestions, no outlook to the future, no elaboration. Very weak for a professional organization that caterers to children and that has been around for 20 years.
I would have been devastated had it not been for the continued support of Early Intervention and the Occupational Therapist currently helping Anderson with his
torticollis. She has been super helpful with Anderson and, even more so, she has been super helpful to me. She "teaches" me exercises to work on with Anderson. She's been helping with Anderson's neck, (he favors one side) and she has been working on his crawling and gross motor skills. She has been excellent and I notice a big change him. If I had gotten that review from daycare without knowing what I know because of EI and OT, I would have been so much more distraught/disappointed/sad.
So April has been a whirlwind month so far. It is flying by. I feel exhausted by worry, overwhelmed with the speed of life, bouts of guilt, insecure and mentally drained. I hope things change. Actually I'm almost certain they will...