Thursday, April 7, 2011

Baby Sitter and day care woohs...

Happy Thursday. Not so much.

My wonderful, wonderful friend who was watching Anderson has gotten a job. I miss her terribly. I loved knowing she was with Anderson. She loves him to pieces...there is such joy in knowing that others love my baby as well. They got along great too. Bummer. It was great while it lasted. She watched him from October through nice.

Now we need to find coverage for the days she watched him. My mom (bless her soul) has changed her hours at work. She will work on Saturday and take off Monday. She will have Anderson all day Monday! We have already done it twice already and it is WONDERFUL. I leave and I don't have to rush A anywhere. It's really comforting knowing that A is home, with all his toys and that grandma has him (and is spoiling him). If only she could drop Thursday too...but no such luck (and I shouldn't push my luck).

So I am looking for Thursday. I have signed up Anderson for Emergency daycare in Boston. That is a hike to bring him in...but I need to find an alternative and none are coming my way. What to do? His current day care has no room on Thursdays. Bummer. They will not have room until June 20. I am now looking for a new day care that includes Thursdays, but haven't had any luck. Plus I'm not sure I want to have Anderson go through that transition. What to do???

So last Thursday (March 31) was Anderson's first day in Boston. The drive in went fine. He fell asleep. The ride on the train was great!! Drop off...that is were it went down hill. He started to cry as soon as the girl picked him up. He got pretty upset and it tore my heart to pieces. I had to fill out paperwork and they tried to entertain him but he just wanted to come to me. I tried to get him to calm down, but nothing worked. So I had 'mom up', hold myself together (barely) and told them that if he continued like this for very long after I left to give me a call and I will come and get him. They assured me that he would be fine. But I was not fine. I cried all the way to the office!! I even had to shut my door and get myself together once I arrived. Within an hour, I got an email. Anderson was happy as could be eating his puffs!! They emailed me to let me know that he was doing great. He was looking out the window and smiling at all the cars and trucks. Made my day!!!

The ride home was ok, he was a trooper. Night time??? Well that was a different story. He was super clingy. He wanted only mama or dada. We went to walking night at my friends house and he wanted none of it. He didn't want to be with anyone, didn't want anyone to hold him or play with him. He was a crab and so fussy!! We left early and got him right to bed. It seemed like A was crabby all weekend long. Could it be the daycare left him so upset? Could it be teething? What could it be????

Fast forward one week to today. What a production this morning. Anderson didn't sleep well last night (that means no one slept well, especially me and I am feeling worn down and over dramatic).

The emergency back up day care was full! Oh no! Regular day care was I was without a sitter. Now I had to figure something else out and I am stressed!! I need to decide what to do. As I am contemplating my choices (all not very good) the phone rings and emergency day care in Boston has a cancelation so there is room.

So we make the long trek to Boston. He does great on the ride in. Falls asleep. Then the trains are delayed and we need to switch trains because there was a problem with the one we are on. Another delay, we wait and wait and I am wondering why I am even bothering. The train gets packed like sardines. Anderson just looks and looks. He was taking in his surroundings. Thank god he did not cry. A ride that takes 1/2 hour took over an hour. More stress. Ugh.

Then the dreaded drop 11 am. I decide to take him out of the car seat in the hall way and hold him for a few minutes before going in.  I just chatted with him and told him that he was going to have fun today.  It just stared all around.  So curious.  The drop off was not so bad, he just grunted and looked at me. Break my heart (but only for a second). Thank god it wasn't like last week (I still can here his wailing). The only saving grace of the day so far...
I waited to hear if he would cry, around the corner where he couldn't see me and he didn't. What a trooper. He is awesome. I'm the one who is a wimp.

Lets just hope the ride home goes smoothly.

Happy Thursday...I don't think so for the next 10 weeks. ???? We will see.


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