Friday, March 30, 2012

Week 25 - This is feeling very real to me NOW!!

How far along? 25 weeks

Total weight gain:  5 Pounds!  Yikes.  In one week!    
Size of baby:   Eggplant (According to the Bump)

Milestones (What BabyCenter says:):
Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

Maternity clothes?  I wore another maternity shirt this week and I feel a lot better in it!  My plus size sweaters are getting short.  However, I am still mostly wearing all my regular clothes that were looser to begin with (but by the end of the day the pants are tight and I have to unzip them).  I definitely need to get some new clothes.     

Food cravings or aversions: Still craving sweets and they have gotten a bit out of control (thus the five pound weight gain - maybe??).  I have to get myself under control.  No aversions...     
Sleep:  Same - continue to sleep in the upright position with lots of pillows.  I also snuggled with Alex and rest my belly on his back.  I'm hoping he can feel kicks soon.              

Symptoms:  This week I have been feeling really tired when I get home from work.  Like I could sleep as soon as I get in the door.  I have also felt some lower right side pain (on the lower part of my belly).  Nothing too crazy, but it does stop me in my tracks (thank god it doesn't last too long).  Constipation continues to be an issue, so Metamucil is going to be my new best friend this coming week)!   I also forced myself back on the treadmill (exhausted and all).  The first night I hated it, but the second I was feeling some positive energy after sweating a bit.  

Medications: I am currently taking 90 units of NPH at night time to help with the fasting numbers (with the goal of having less than 90 for fasting and less than 120 two hours after meals).  This week has been ok, with some over 100's for my fasting numbers!   I had to bump up my insulin.  Continue with BP medication twice a day (no change).  (I saw my primary care doctor and she is happy with the pregnancy progress.  She sees no reason at this point to change the BP medication.  She only wants to see me after the baby is born and after I stop nursing.  Great!!).   I went to the OB this week to hear the heartbeat and get a routine check and all sounds great!  I did have a headache with the doctor said I could take a Tylenol but I'm sure it was just a fluke, so I just let it go and by the afternoon I was better (I took a nap).  BP was great, protein, no swollen legs, but I forgot to bring my sugars (oops) and she didn't say anything about the weight but oh boy.  Hearing the heart beat was awesome. 

Gender:  That envelope with the sealed gender reveal is still sitting on our night stand in our bed room tempting me.  I was eyeing the other night, but I didn't open it.  Sometimes I think it will help me sort out things in the baby's room.  Then I think I need to sort out stuff regardless.  So we still are not finding out.  Again, I have no strong feelings if it is a boy or a girl (but I guess I have to say I'm leaning more toward a girl this week).  Healthy and strong and happy is all I want!! 

What I'm looking forward to the most:  Holding my baby and knowing all is ok with him/her.        

Worries: This week I have begun fretting again and turning my wheels with worry.  I swear I waste so much time worrying (not to mention energy).   This week I have worried that I am getting so huge, that I'm afraid of my last month.  I'm worried that I will not be able to do much and be super uncomfortable.  What if I can't hold Anderson?  OR come to work?  Or just doing the normal stuff (like giving Anderson a bath or picking him up from the crib).  What if I get bed-rest, or worse, I want bed-rest and the doctor's don't think I need it.  How am I going to work?  What about Anderson's birthday - can I handle a party at nearly 9 months pregnant? Stress.  No wonder I am exhausted.   
What is different this time around:  Worried about having to share myself with TWO babies instead of just one.   

Miss Anything?  Nothing.               

Movement:   Lots and lots.  Always on the lower right hand side (where I feel sharp pain sometimes).  I love feeling the kicks.  Sometimes I feel a stretching pain in my belly and I swear it is summersaults!  This baby can move!  I feel the baby after each meal (normally).  With Anderson I felt him more when I was in bed (and not as much as this time).  Miracle in the making.  I want a T-shirt that says that!          

Labor Signs: None.

Best moment of the week:  Hearing the heartbeat!!  Getting the sense that we are almost there, that this is real and a baby will be coming soon!  In about three months.  I want to shout it to the world! 

Big Brother moment of the week:  This week, Anderson cried when I was hugging my "niece" Briana for her 13th birthday for a little too long.  Big sobbing tears.  Oh my heart sank.  I felt for Breezy too, because she thought she did something wrong and she didn't.  My friends say I'm "in for it" when this baby comes and that I should just let him cry now.  Praying that it all goes smoothly, but I'm preparing for Anderson to have a bit of a hard time...

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