Friday, March 2, 2012

21 Weeks - Feeling Some Movement!

How far along? 21 weeks

Total weight gain: 1 pound (no officially update)  

Size of baby:   Carrot according to the BabyCenter

Milestones (What the BabyCenter says:):

Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. In other developments, your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now, and if you're having a girl, her vagina has begun to form as well.

Maternity clothes?  I tried my maternity jeans and they are still too big.  My pants are definitely getting tight (and they are stretchy). 

Food cravings or aversions: Still craving sweets - it must be because I can't have them with the diabetes.  I try to limit sweets to small snack size but the spiral effect does me in.     
Sleep:  Still sleeping in the upright position (propped with pillows) but it isn't as comfortable.  I hope I can figure out a better position.  I have been waking up less during the night for bathroom visits (yeah).  It was on the hour, now just once or twice.         

Symptoms:  I feel good, and not tired (until the end of the day).  My belly hurts by the end of the day and sometimes it stops me in my tracks (ouch).  I'm concerned but I mentioned it to the doctor during my list visit and they say it is normal.  My sugar numbers have been high almost every day this week (fasting #;s),  I have to get back on the treadmill but I only did it once this week.  I did find myself running around at the office this week and that helped with belly pain.  It has been a stressful week at work (busy IRS audit) and my brother had surgery this week (which caused some stress at home).  I believe that is affecting my sugar numbers.      

Medications: I am currently taking 66 units of NPH at night time to help with the fasting numbers (I have been increasing daily!).   Sugar readings have been high in the morning.  I'm sure the diabetes doctor will be concerned during our visit on Tuesday (3/6/12) as I am concerned as well (so glad we have a lot of visits, I am feeling very lucky to have my health insurance).  I'm sure he will be adding to the nightly insulin shots.    BP medication twice a day (no change). 

Gender:  I mentioned to Alex yesterday that we should find out and he agreed.  Looks like we will find out (I will decide on game day).  Some people are so sure and this is a no brainer.  For me, the surprise on the day was awesome.  Plus we have forever to shop for a boy/girl - why push it.  I am still undecided, but I regretted not doing it last week.  Plus all this back and forth (in my mind) for a name is driving me nuts.  Plus I want to know if the boys will share a room or if we will be under construction to finish a girl's room (even if it is some time in the future).  We'll see if I change my mind before Tuesday. 

What I'm looking forward to the most:  Still meeting this baby and being use to our routine as a family of four.  I am feeling super blessed.       

Worries: The diabetes is always on my mind.  How I will be feeling come June ... the end is going to be rough (I suspect), even though I am feeling great now.  Dividing my time between my babies, Anderson's adjustment, being the best mom I can be, raising functional adults, fitting in working full time, being the wife Alex deserves (and needs), how am I going to handle daycare drops if both cry (ugh), managing a home, being over burdened with family responsibilities/drama (I'm not talking about my kids) many worries. Breathe, one day at a time...        

What is different this time around:  Last time I was so scared to take insulin.  I am still nervous about it, but the "been there done that" factor is at least taking some stress off.  But I still worry about the well being of my baby and the effects of my diabetes on the baby (not to mention my blood pressure issues).  We were preparing to register at Baby's R Us.  I remember how every decision was such a tough decision to make because everything was so new.  I had no clue.  I'm no expert but it is not so scary now.             

Miss Anything?  The occasional drink with the girls and glass of wine with Alex.  I also miss snacking at night before bedtime.  Since night time snacks effect morning sugar numbers I avoid snacking.  I realize how much I snack after dinner (which is not good I suppose).  Especially the ice cream we indulge in after Anderson has gone to bed.       

Movement:   This week I felt puttering going on in the belly (I think)!!  I felt the movement a lot on Tuesday (high stress day) and off/on during the rest of the week.  Not sure what it is I am feeling, but it reminded me of what I felt with Anderson.   

Labor Signs: Nothing.  My “hard belly” moments have changed more to pain and soreness in the abs section.       

Looking forward to:  Same as last week - Part II of the anatomy scan and having everything turn out ok (and finding out the gender of the baby!).  Also looking forward to seeing all the baby newborn clothes and remembering Anderson that little (which those memories are so long ago).   

Best moment of the week:  Feeling the baby move this week!  This baby is growing and time is going by so fast!   

Big Brother moment of the week:  We have shown Anderson my belly and told him that there is a baby inside.  He has no clue, but it is our cute way to introduce baby.  However, Anderson routinely points to his own belly and says "baby there".  He also points to Daddy's belly and says "baby there" as well.   Too stinking cute. 

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