Friday, March 16, 2012

Week 23 -slow and steady - a good week!

How far along? 23 weeks

Total weight gain: No week we are going to the doctor so we should have an update.  In total it must be a pound or two.
Size of baby:   Pomegranate (According to the Bump)

Milestones (What the BabyCenter says:):
Turn on the radio and sway to the music. With her sense of movement well developed by now, your baby can feel you dance. And now that she's more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango), you may be able to see her squirm underneath your clothes. Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb.

Maternity clothes?  I am wearing some maternity pants (the black pants are super comfy) but the jeans are still big.  Still wearing all my regular clothes, they just fit differently and snugly. 

Food cravings or aversions: The cravings have been calm this week.  I did have a sweet here and there (but nothing more than one carbs worth).  I think its because some of the intense stress from recent weeks have calmed a bit (I'm a comfort eater).  I definitely feel hungrier at times and like to feed this baby!  No aversions that I can recall...     
Sleep:  Still sleeping in the upright position (propped with pillows) and this is still going well.  Sometimes I cuddle with Alex (I love leaning my belly on his back - soon he will feel the baby).  I also alternate between the upright position and sleeping on my left side with the full body pillow (which continues to be comfortable but I wake up more frequently).  Waking up during the night is NOT happening as much!  However I am having trouble falling asleep when I get to bed.  I'm exhausted, but wide awake (which leads me to think of all there is to do, then stress and continue not sleep - viscous cycle).          

Symptoms:  This week has been great and no complaints.  My belly has NOT hurt much or become hard by the end of the day (which is great).  I continue to be tired by the end of the day, but not as bad this week.  I did have a day or two of nausea, where I felt a little dizzy; like I wanted to vomit.  Not sure if that was due to rushing around or what I ate or the baby hormones...but it did not last long and the feeling has past.    

Medications: I am currently taking 80 units of NPH at night time to help with the fasting numbers.  The goal is still to have less than 90 for fasting and less than 120 two hours after meals.  This week has been very good and most of my fasting numbers have been under 90.   BP medication twice a day (no change). 

Gender:  We have the envelope on the night stand and we have not looked at it or discussed it!  I cannot believe it I swear it's because we have the option to find out now, so are not inclined to find out!   I have no strong feelings if it is a boy or a girl.   

What I'm looking forward to the most:  Feeling like my family is complete once this baby is born.  I can't wait to hold my baby and have my two boys with me (Daddy, and Anderson).       

Worries: This week has been calmer with the stress department.  My worries are still there and I think it is more my insecurities.  I'm so insecure and question whether I am doing enough for my family.  The responsibilities are overwhelming.  Will I be able to handle (and thrive) two kids?  Will I like it?  Will my kids turn out ok?  Am I doing enough, what can I cut out, what should I do differently, where can I save some time.   
What is different this time around:  Knowing that the kicks I feel in my belly are definitely the baby!  With Anderson I always doubted what I was feeling.  Now I know better.  We are also not worried about the babies room and all the baby stuff (swing, bouncy, car seats, etc).  I'm looking forward to buying some new bibs and a double stroller and not much else (unless it's a girl then we are going shopping). 

Miss Anything?  Nothing.  Should I mention drinking again?  Tonight is girls night and I'm sure I will miss having a cocktail with the ladies.  Also, I miss ice cream after dinner with Daddy.  I love being pregnant and I feel pretty good, so I'm not missing much.           

Movement:   Lots and lots of movement these last few days!  I love it!!!  It makes me happy because I know that all is going well in there!  This is as close to a miracle as it gets (for me).      

Labor Signs: None.  I read somewhere that the baby could possibly survive if born at 23 weeks!  Wow.  Stay put little person, keep growing inside where it is nice and cozy! 

Best moment of the week:  I loved that my fasting numbers were under 90!  Yeah!  Also all the baby movement!     

Big Brother moment of the week:  Anderson has begun to like to read his new "big brother" book!  I'm so happy he likes it.  The book mentions giving the baby a diaper change and Anderson pointed to his diapers!

Heres to another great week. 

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