Friday, March 9, 2012

Week 22 - Ultra Sound and hearing the heart beat!

How far along? 22 weeks

Total weight gain: no weight gain (loss one pound from last weigh in, which brings me back to my starting weight, which my doctors were very happy about.    
Size of baby:   Papaya (According to the Bump)


Milestones (What the BabyCenter says:):
At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment.  If you could see inside your womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers his body and the deep wrinkles on his skin, which he'll sport until he adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside his belly, his pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily.

Maternity clothes?  Same as last week.  I want to wear the jeans, because they are comfy, but they are still a bit big.  I feel like I am showing now.  Still wearing all my regular clothes, they just fit differently. 

Food cravings or aversions: Cravings have calmed a bit this week, maybe because I actually caved and got some sweets.  I enjoyed some chocolate pudding (and my sugar readings were higher than normal all day) and I caved and got skittles from the vending machine (didn't effect my sugars too much).  They were yummy (I feel like an addict).  I am trying to limit sweets and processed foods, and stick to almonds, yogurt, fruit and cheese and crackers.  Some days are betting the others.  I do better when I have a stash of “good” snacks at my desk at work.  No aversions that I can recall...     
Sleep:  Still sleeping in the upright position (propped with pillows) and this is going well.  Sometimes I alternate between the upright position and the full body pillow (which is comfortable as well).  Bathroom visits at night have been a lot better (just once or twice).         

Symptoms:  Overall no complaints.  My belly hurts by the end of the day but not as bad as it has been.  By the end of the day I am exhausted and just have to stop and rest for 15 minutes...usually I feel better and get on with my night (making dinner, cleaning up, bedtime routine for Anderson, making lunches, etc).  

My sugar numbers have been creeping higher and I thought the doctor would be unhappy, but he actually said that he was very impressed with my numbers.  He said that I am doing a very good job managing my sugars with my diet.  I was floored.  With that said he did say I should increase my insulin to 78 (up from 69).           

Medications: I am currently taking 78 units of NPH at night time to help with the fasting numbers.  The goal is still to have less than 90 for fasting.   BP medication twice a day (no change). 

Gender:  We had part two of the ultrasound this week.  It was so awesome to see the baby moving around.  I could see the baby’s feet hitting the wall and I could see the heart and brain and arms and legs…AMAZING.  Truly is a miracle.  Anderson did much better this week (the whole experience was much faster and seamless this time).  I did bring an envelope and asked the tech to indicate the gender on the paper and seal the envelope.  While the tech looked in the area I didn't see a penis, so I am thinking a girl.  My mom said the same thing (she went out and got a pink outfit)!  We still have not opened the envelope.  (Either way I don't care as long as the baby is healthy). 

What I'm looking forward to the most:  Meeting this baby and singing to her, kissing her, loving on her...  I know those baby moments don’t last long so I will savor every minute.         

Worries: This week has been a stressful week (family wise) and I felt the pressures of being a busy working mom.  I know I shouldn’t complain because my mom helps me so much but life is overwhelming at times and I need things to calm down a bit.  I wish I could tune everything out and just cocoon myself into a nest and take care of my family.  Hopefully next week will be calmer. 

I had a lot of doctor appointments this week (the OB, endocrinologist, and ultra sound) and I see my appointments getting busier and busier as the pregnancy progresses. What is going to give? 
What is different this time around:  Not having the time to eat, breath, and sleep all things baby.  Not being super anxious about everything (that is a bit comforting).  Everything was new and research was necessary last time, but this time not so much research is going on.  The biggest difference has been worrying about the effects on Anderson and the dynamics to our young family.               

Miss Anything?  Nothing.  I like being pregnant and knowing that I have a baby growing inside of me.  I have been feeling great and happy and content.  Tonight I am having dinner with the girls and they asked me to bring the wine (not nice sending me into a package store).  This week was a pretty hectic/stressful week, it would be nice to have a glass of wine with the girls.         

Movement:   Definitely feeling movement now!  I love the feeling.  I'm so glad to feel it as it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.  This feels like a miracle.      

Labor Signs: None.  My “hard belly” moments have changed more to pain and soreness in the abs section.       

Looking forward to:  Singing to my baby and snuggling...and taking lots of photos.  Loving and doting on my baby.  I want to squish her cheeks (and if it a girl buy lots of tu tus and ruffles).    

Best moment of the week:  I actually looked in the mirror and felt I looked pregnant (to others may not be so apparent).  It's so awesome to feel movement.  This feels so real!!   

Big Brother moment of the week:  Anderson is constantly touching my belly and even gives my belly kisses.  This kid is so cute.  Anderson doesn't even want the dog near his toys, he is so in for it when this baby comes.   

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