Wednesday, February 9, 2011

RSV and the BFF train

Our little guy went to the doctor last Wednesday (2/2) because his cold was getting worse.  Anderson had chest congestion, nose congestion and his breathing had a wheeze.  The wheezing made me nervous.  His cold symptoms started (or became obviously worse than his normal cough) on Sunday.  The wheezing started on Tuesday (2/1) so I called the nurse line and she suggested taking some benadryl.  So that is what we did.   Waking up on Wednesday and seeing Anderson worse (ok, maybe he was just not any better, but little sleep, and lots of nerves and worry makes everything worse) - we called the doctor for a sick visit.   

The three of us trekked out in the snow (our 5th snow storm this winter) and went to the doctor.  The doctor determined that Anderson has RSV (a respiratory virus that attacks his breathing via the lungs) - or click here for more information.  He didn't do any blood work or anything.  I happen to mention to Valerie at daycare that Anderson was going to the doctor and she mentioned that another baby had RSV and that I should mention it to the doctor.  So that is what I did and the doctor took a look at him, heard him cough and wheeze and made his determination. 

RSV is treated with a nebulizer and the medication Albuterol.  It is a steam (cool air) mixed in with medication.  The baby should wear a mask to try to get as much of the medication into his lungs.  It takes a week or so to is not fast (according to the doctor).  The doctor said no daycare for a week at least and to reassess in a week. 

I was happy (and so was the doctor) that Anderson's ears looked great.  Thank god.  I had so many ear infections growing up and had lots of ear issues with my ears.  I hope Anderson is spared that trauma.

Anderson is a trooper with his mask on, getting his nubulizer treatment.  He doesn't cry.  We just sing and make it part of his play time. Plus the train.  The train is our new best friend.  Anderson got a toy train for Christmas that goes and goes and goes and when it bumps into a wall it backs up and turns around.  Daddy discovered this by accident in his attempts to keep Little A entertained.  Surprise! Anderson loves it and I think he actually looks forward to his masked treatments.  Little A loves staring at the train and is mesmerized.  He sits there calmly, with his hands on his thighs and his eyes trace the movement of the train.  His eyes pop out above the mask.  He's too cute.  He is my sunshine even when he isn't feeling 100%. 

Anderson remains happy and bubbly.  He is a bit clingy and cries more easily, but overall he is still smiling and trudging along joyfully.  I love it.   

BUT these worries do a number on his mommy (that would be me).  I was calm and did (do) everything to make sure he was comforted and feeling well, especially that first day.  BUT when I stopped and had a moment to myself, I noticed I was exhausted, scared and just trying to go through the motions without breaking down in tears.  I pulled myself together and tried not to wall-o in my fears.  I fear that my baby is sick or hurting and I could be doing more.  RSV could be the precursor to Asthma.  I am trying not to think about it, but it does seem like it could be a possibility. 

We just pray he gets well.  It's rough being a Mommy.

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